10 Ways to Make Money Online as a Student in Kenya

students in kenya
Image Credit: freepik

Here are 10 ways as a Kenyan student you can be able to earn money from the internet as you continue with studies.

Navigating the financial demands of student life can be challenging. Fortunately, the internet offers countless opportunities for students in Kenya to earn money without compromising their studies.

From freelance gigs to creative ventures, here are ten ways to make money online as a student in Kenya:

How To Make Money Online In Kenya for Students:

1. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is a flexible and profitable option for students who have strong writing skills. Many websites and companies need content for blogs, articles, and social media.

Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and local freelancing sites can help you find writing opportunities.

2. Online Tutoring

If you excel in a particular subject, consider offering online tutoring services. Websites like Tutor.com and Chegg Tutors connect you with students who need help, allowing you to teach from the comfort of your home.

3. Selling Handcrafted Items

If you’re crafty, consider selling handmade items such as jewelry, artwork, or custom clothing. Online marketplaces like Etsy, Jumia, and social media platforms can help you reach a broad audience.

4. Part-Time Remote Jobs

Many companies offer part-time remote jobs that are perfect for students. Roles in customer service, data entry, and virtual assistance provide steady income and work experience. Websites like Remote OK and FlexJobs list such opportunities.

5. Participating in Online Surveys and Research

Participating in online surveys and research studies can be an easy way to make some extra cash.

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Companies and research institutions pay for your opinions on products and services. Websites like Swagbucks and Toluna offer such opportunities.

6. Starting a Blog

If you enjoy writing and have a passion for a particular topic, starting a blog can be a great way to earn money.

Monetize your blog through ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing. While it takes time to build an audience, it can become a steady income source.

7. Social Media Management

With businesses looking to enhance their online presence, students who are skilled at social media can offer management services. Create content, engage with followers, and develop strategies to grow their online presence. This role offers both flexibility and creativity.

8. Delivery Services

Though primarily offline, many delivery services offer online applications and scheduling. Companies like Glovo and Uber Eats allow you to sign up and manage your delivery schedule online, providing a flexible way to earn money.

9. Graphic Design

For students with graphic design skills, there are numerous online opportunities to create logos, business cards, and posters.

Websites like Canva and Adobe Spark can help you design, while platforms like 99designs and DesignCrowd connect you with clients.

10. Becoming a Virtual Assistant

As a virtual assistant, you can offer administrative support to businesses or entrepreneurs. Tasks may include email management, scheduling, data entry, and customer support. Websites like Upwork and Remote OK can help you find such roles.


Balancing academic responsibilities with financial needs is no small feat, but the internet provides a wealth of opportunities for students all over the world.

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By leveraging your skills and exploring these online ventures, you can support yourself financially while gaining valuable experience.

Consistency, dedication, and a proactive approach are key. Start exploring these options today and take control of your financial future!

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