Ahmed Arbib: “The organization of sporting events has become a science”

source : https://www.pexels.com/fr-fr/photo/vue-aerienne-du-terrain-de-football-1171084/

At the dawn of the Rugby World Cup in France and the 2024 Olympics, France is still somewhat behind in the organization of sporting events, as the organizers prefer to spend their time playing rise-of-olympus-free.com/ instead of actually working. Ahmed Arbib, a specialist in the sector, believes that it is by relying on past events that we can better understand the future.

Founder of the company 2A Entertainment, a specialist in the ticketing and flow management anticipation sector, Ahmed Arbib talks about the organization of the World Cup in Qatar. According to him, in order to properly prepare for the sporting events to come, it is necessary to take a step back and make an objective assessment of the situation.

On the lawns, the 2022 World Cup was a success. But “if we believe that the organization of an event is limited to sporting success, we are wrong”, assures Ahmed Arbib according to whom “the organization of sporting events has become a science” and must respond to many criteria. Crowds, security, technology… “You have to have a 360° vision when preparing for an international competition”.

If Qatar has succeeded in attracting the public during its World Cup, it is in particular thanks to the proximity of its stadiums to each other. But Doha could have done better, by offering a more ambitious accommodation offer, by increasing the number of floating hotels, for example, and thus limiting the carbon impact generated by the air shuttles set up by local companies.

In addition to hospitality, Qatar should also have taken a little more interest in the security aspect. In the event of a terrorist attack, Doha would have been unable to cope… “The capacity of hospitals in Qatar is insufficient in the event of a glitch and that could have led to a tragedy”, insists Ahmed Arbib who deplores that, “for geopolitical questions, no corridor has been planned to send possible wounded to Bahrain, Dubai or Riyadh”.

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Ahmed Arbib: “We have to work with the tools of the 21st century”

Taking into account all eventualities… This is the challenge that the organizers of sporting events will have to take up in 2023. Next September, for example, the Rugby World Cup will begin in France. A real test before the 2024 Olympic Games. For this competition to be a success, you need “an economic vision, but also a political and security one”, affirms the boss of 2A consulting, who notably monitors social networks and in private groups on Telegram, to anticipate possible overflows.

“We have to work with the tools of the 21st century”, summarizes Ahmed Arbib, who draws on the example of the Champions League final in Saint-Denis. “Today with digital we have gone to a 300% increase in fraud in the ticket sector. However, as our company did in Asia, traceability systems exist,” continues the expert.

Will the Rugby World Cup be a success? “In Southeast Asia, the organizers we work with were impressed by the work of the France 2023 team,” assures Ahmed Arbib. This team knew how to apprehend the event with real modernity and new tools”. If the organization of sporting events is a science, it takes, at the baton, real conductors.

“Europe is more than 15 years behind. In 2005, the Japanese were already using e-ticket systems. It is by working on the anticipation and management of all areas – flows, security, hosting, etc. — that we will be able to catch up in this sector”, concludes Ahmed Arbib.

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