Jodan College of Technology Courses Offered (full list) and Contact

Jodan College courses and management contacts.
Accredited courses offered at Jodan College of Technology are listed below. Jodan College of Technology offers all these courses for both new students and the existing students currently enrolled in the college.
Find the list of courses that are currently available in Jodan College of Technology for students or candidates who would like to join the institution and pursue their career course.
Here are Masters courses, Diploma courses, Certificate courses, Postgraduate courses, Undergraduate courses, Craft, Artisan courses among others that are currently offered at Jodan College of Technology right now.
Below is the list of courses offered at Jodan College of Technology (Jodan College)
Courses Offered At Jodan College of Technology:
- Certificate Courses:
Certificate in Computer Networking(Computer Networking)
Certificate in Computer Science(Computer Science)
Certificate in Secretarial Studies(Secretarial Studies)
Certificate in Information Technology(Information Technology)
Certificate in Food Production(Food Production)
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Mechanics(Motor Vehicle Mechanics)
Certificate in Accountancy(Accountancy)
Certificate in Business Management(Business Management)
Certificate in Electrical Installation(Electrical Installation)
Certificate in Accounting and Finance(Accounting and Finance)
Certificate in Human Resource Management(HRM)
Certificate in Journalism and Mass Communication(Journalism and Mass Communication)
International Computer Driving License(ICDL)
Certificate in Pastry and Bakery(Pastry and Bakery)
Certificate in Banking and Finance(Banking and Finance)
Certificate in Marketing Management(Marketing Management)
Certificate in Project Management(Project Management)
Certificate in Training of Trainers(TOT)
Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
Certificate in HIV/AIDS Management(HIV/AIDS Management)
Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics(Nutrition and Dietetics)
Certificate in Early Childhood Development and Education(ECDE)
Certificate in Automotive Engineering(Automotive Engineering)
Certificate in Front Office Operations and Customer Care(Front Office Operations and Customer Care)
Certificate in Hairdressing And Beauty Therapy(Hairdressing And Beauty Therapy)
Certificate in Computer Engineering
Certificate in Public Relations, Advertising and Marketing
Certificate in Events Management
Artisan Certificate in Electrical Installation
Certificate in Tour guiding and Travel Operations
Computer Packages and Applications
Certificate in Community Development and Social Work
Certificate in Mobile Application Programming
Certificate in Community Health and Development
Certificate in Fashion Design and Garment Making
Certificate in Garment Making
Certificate in Plumbing Technology
Artisan Certificate in Plumbing Technology
Certificate in Food and Beverage Service and Sales
Certificate in Electronic Mechanic
Certificate in Business Plan Writing
Certificate in Public Health
Certificate in Catering and Hotel Management
Fresh Driving Course
Certificate in Procurement
Certificate in Interior Design and Soft Furnishings
Certificate in Computerized Secretarial Studies
Artisan Certificate in Tailoring
Proficiency in Early Childhood Development Education
Certificate in Business Management and Administration
Certificate in Entrepreneurship Development
Certificate in Stock Control and Stores Management
Certificate in Tour Guiding Management
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Electrician
Certificate in Motor Rewinding
Certificate in Electrical Wireman
Certificate in Pattern Drafting
Fabric Coloration
Certificate in Computer Support, Repair, Maintenance and Networking
Certificate in Computerized Graphic Design
Certificate in Video Editing
Certificate in Science Laboratory Technology(Science Laboratory Technology)
Certificate in Office Management(Office Management)
Certificate in Tourism Management(Tourism Management)
Certificate in Computerized Accounting(Computerized Accounting)
Certificate in Computer Programming(Computer Programming)
- Advanced Diploma Courses:
Advanced Diploma in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy
- Diploma Courses:.
Diploma in Computer Science(Computer Science)
Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication(Journalism and Mass Communication)
Diploma in Information Technology(Information Technology)
Diploma in Accounting and Finance(Accounting and Finance)
Diploma in Secretarial Studies(Secretarial Studies)
Diploma in Accountancy(Accountancy)
Diploma in Human Resource Management(Human Resource Management)
Diploma in Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy(Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy)
Diploma in Public Health(Public Health)
Diploma in Banking and Finance(Banking and Finance)
Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Diploma in Project Management(Project Management)
Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics(Nutrition and Dietetics)
Diploma in Marketing Management(Marketing Management)
Diploma in Pattern Drafting(Pattern Drafting)
Diploma in Procurement(Procurement)
Diploma in Tourism Management(Tourism Management)
Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education(ECDE)
Diploma in Community Development and Social Work(Community Development and Social Work)
Diploma in Community Health and Development(Community Health and Development)
Diploma in Food Production(Food Production)
Diploma in Fashion Design and Garment Making(Fashion Design and Garment Making)
National Diploma in Office Management(Office Management)
Diploma in Automotive Engineering(Automotive Engineering)
Diploma in HIV and Aids Management
Diploma in Electrical Installation
Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development
Diploma in Business Management and Administration
Diploma in Catering and Hotel Management
Diploma in Tour Guiding and Travel Operation
Diploma in Stock Control and Stores Management
Diploma in Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
Diploma in Front Office Operations and Customer Care
Diploma in Tour Guiding Management
Diploma in Food and Beverage Sales and Service
Diploma in Electronics Mechanic
Diploma in Computer Support, Repair, Maintenance and Networking
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design
Diploma in Computer Engineering(Computer Engineering)
Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology(Science Laboratory Technology)
Diploma in Business Management(Business Management)
- Jodan College of Technology Contacts:
Physical Address: Alisa Plaza 4th Floor Kwame Nkurumah Street, Opposite Safaricom Customer Care Shop Thika
Address: P.O. Box 6257 – 01000, Thika
Location: Thika, Kenya
Telephone Number: +254722916072
Telephone Number 2: +254718248272
Email Address: