University of Eastern Africa, Barton Courses Offered (full list) and Contact

List of Courses Offered

Looking for all the courses offered at University of Eastern Africa, Baraton?

List of accredited courses offered at University of Eastern Africa, Baraton are listed below.

University of Eastern Africa, Baraton offers all these courses for both new students who want to join the institution and the existing students currently enrolled in the university.

You can find the list of courses that are currently available in University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, for all the students or candidates who would like to join the institution and pursue their career course.

Here are, Degree courses, Diploma courses, Certificate courses, Postgraduate courses, Undergraduate courses, Craft, Artisan courses among others that are currently offered at University of Eastern Africa, Baraton this year.

Below is the list of courses offered at University of Eastern Africa, Barton (UEAB)

Courses Offered At University of Eastern Africa, Baraton:

  • Certificate Courses:

Certified Public Accountant(CPA)

Accounting Technicians Certificate(ATC)

  • Degree Courses:

Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology(Biotechnology)

Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science(Medical Laboratory Science)

Bachelor of Science in Biology(Biology)

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry(Chemistry)

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics(Mathematics)

Bachelor of Business Administration and Management(Business Administration and Management)

Bachelor of Arts in Counselling Psychology(Counselling Psychology)

Bachelor of Science in Geography(Geography)

Bachelor of Science in Microbiology(Microbiology)

Bachelor of Arts in History(History)

Bachelor of Business Administration and Marketing( Business Administration and Marketing)

Bachelor of Hospitality and Hotel Management(Hospitality and Hotel Management)

Bachelor of Arts in Religion(Religion)

Bachelor of Arts in Geography(Geography)

Bachelor of Science in Biomedicine(Biomedicine)

Bachelor of Education in Music(Music)

Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics(Food, Nutrition and Dietetics)

Also Read:  Zetech University Courses Offered (full list) and Contact

Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance(Business Administration in Finance)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting(Business Administration in Accounting)

Bachelor of Technology in Agriculture(Agriculture)

Bachelor of Science in Technology in Electronics(Electronics)

Bachelor of Science in Technology in Automotive(Automotive)

Bachelor of Arts in Theology(Theology)

Bachelor of Science in Fashion and Textile Design(Fashion and Textile Design)

Bachelor of Science in Networks and Communication Systems(Networks and Communication Systems)

Bachelor of Business Administration in Office Administration(Office Administration)

Bachelor of Business Information Technology(BBIT)

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture(Agriculture)

Bachelor of Agribusiness(Agribusiness)

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering(Software Engineering)

Bachelor of Science in Public Health(Public Health)

Bachelor of Development Studies(Development Studies)

Bachelor of Arts in Music(Music)

Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology(Conservation Biology)

  • University of Eastern Africa, Barton Contacts:

Address: P.O. Box 2500-30100,
Eldoret, Kenya

Location: Eldoret, Kenya

Telephone Number: +254 719 617 586

Telephone Number 2: + 254 780 183 377

Email Address:


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