Chuka University Courses Offered (full list) and Contact

List of Courses Offered

Looking for all the courses offered at Chuka University?

Accredited courses offered at Chuka University are listed below. Chuka University offers all these courses for both new students who want to join the institution and the existing students currently enrolled in the institution.

You can find the list of courses that are currently available in Chuka University, for all the students or candidates who would like to join the institution and pursue their careers.

Here are, Masters courses, Degree courses, Diploma courses, Certificate courses, Postgraduate courses, Undergraduate courses, Craft, Artisan courses among others that are currently offered at Chuka University this academic year.

Below is the list of courses offered at Chuka University

Courses Offered At Chuka University:

  • Masters Courses:

Master of Science in Environmental Science(Environmental Science)

Master of Science in Computer Science(Computer Science)

Master of Science in Dryland Agriculture(Dryland Agriculture)

Master of Science in Crop Protection(Crop Protection)

Master of Science in Soil Science(Soil Science)

Master of Science in Plant Breeding(Plant Breeding)

Master of Science in Zoology(Zoology)

Master of Science in Botany(Botany)

Master of Science in Tourism Management(Tourism Management)

Master of Science in Natural Resource Management(Natural Resource Management)

Master of Science in Horticulture(Horticulture)

Master of Science in Wildlife Management(Wildlife Management)

Master of Science in Animal Nutrition(Animal Nutrition)

Master of Science in Plant Biotechnology(Plant Biotechnology)

Masters in Hotel Management(Hotel Management)

  • Certificate Courses:

Certificate in Computer Science(Computer Science)

Certificate in Tourism and Hospitality Management(Tourism and Hospitality Management)

Certificate in Animal Health and Production Technology

  • Degree Courses:

Bachelor of Commerce(Commerce)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science(Computer Science)

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Bachelor of Science in Nursing(Nursing)

Bachelor of Science in Agriculture(Agriculture)

Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology(Food Science and Technology)

Bachelor of Science in Horticulture(Horticulture)

Bachelor of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management(Entrepreneurship )

Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management(Agribusiness Management)

Bachelor of Hotel Management(Hotel Management)

Bachelor of Science in Animal Science(Animal Science)

Bachelor of Agricultural Economics(Agricultural Economics)

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science(Environmental Science)

Bachelor of Purchasing Supply Management(Purchasing Supply Management)

Bachelor of Tourism Management(Tourism Management)

Bachelor of Natural Resource Management(Natural Resource Management)

Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Science(Applied Computer Science)

Bachelor of Science Economics and Statistics(Economics and Statistics)

Bachelor of Science in Wildlife and Enterprise Management(Wildlife and Enterprise Management)

Bachelor of Science in Ecotourism(Ecotourism)

  • Diploma Courses:

Diploma in Computer Science(Computer Science)

Diploma in Tourism and Hotel Management(Tourism and Hotel Management)

Diploma in Animal Health and Production(Animal Health and Production)

Diploma in Agriculture and Rural Development(Agriculture and Rural Development)

Diploma in Horticulture(Horticulture)

Diploma in Farm Resources Management(Farm Resources Management)

  • Doctorate Courses:

Ph.D in Food Science(Food Science)

Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture(Horticulture)

Ph.D. in Business and Management(Business and Management)

Ph.D in Plant Biotechnology(Plant Biotechnology)

Ph.D in Dry Land Agriculture(Dry Land Agriculture)

Ph.D in Crop Protection(Crop Protection)

Ph.D in Tourism Management(Tourism Management)

Ph.D in Agricultural Economics(Agricultural Economics)

Ph.D in Agronomy(Agronomy)

Ph.D in Soil Science(Soil Science)

Ph.D in Plant Breeding(Plant Breeding)

Ph.D in Crop Science(Crop Science)

Ph.D in Environmental Science(Environmental Science)

Ph.D in Animal Nutrition(Animal Nutrition)

  • Chuka University Contacts:

Physical Address: Ndagani Market along Nairobi – Meru Higway, 2 Km after Chuka Town

Address: P.O. Box, 109 – 60400,

Also Read:  Zetech University Certificate and Diploma Courses Offered [Full List]

Location: Meru, Kenya

Telephone Number: +254 715 50 58 58

Telephone Number 2: +(254) 731 62 02 66

Email Address:


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