Co-operative Bank Of Kenya Branches In Nairobi, Branch Codes and Their Contacts

Here is a complete list of all Co-operative Bank Branches in Nairobi, their respective Branch codes and contact details.
Coop Bank has a number of well-established branches distributed all over the country.
The Cooparative Bank of Kenya which is one of the largest and most recommended banks in Kenya has a team of dedicated representatives (customer services) in all their branches in Nairobi.
If you are looking for a Coop Bank Branch in Nairobi near you, here is a list of Cooparative Bank branches that are currently operating in Nairobi.
In the list of Coop Bank Branches below, we have also included each Co-operative Bank Branch Respective Branch Code.
A branch code is simply, a unique number “code” assigned to each and every bank branch.
This Branch Code is not a Postal Code which usually confuses a lot of people.
With that being said, below is the list of Cooparative Bank of Kenya Nairobi Branches and their Branch Codes.
Co-operative Bank Branches In Nairobi and Their Branch Codes:
- Cooperative Bank Karen Branch
Branch Code: 11135
Contact: (020) 2446928
Call: 0708 223 308, 0733 124 120
- Cooperative Bank of Kenya Nairobi Business Centre Branch
Branch Code: 11051
(020) 2210655
Cell: 0727 532 081
0727 532 082
0735 558 205,
020 2040166
- Co-op Bank Ngong Branch
Branch Code: 11125
Contact: (020) 2210655, 2225370, 2711675/76
Cell: 0727 532 081
0727 532 082
0735 558 205
- Cooperative Bank Of Kenya Ongata Rongai Branch
Branch Code: 11038
Contact: (045) 3124403(045) 3124403
Call: 0713 600 805, 0733 343 457
- Coop Bank Parliament Road Branch
Branch Code: 11044
Contact: (020) 2210655, 2225370, 2210656, 228605, 221067, 2228
Cell: 0722 202 977
0734 600 702
- Coop Bank Kawangware Branch
Branch Code: 11042
Cell: 0722 202 333 / 0734 600 706
- Co-op Bank Kawangware 46 Branch
Branch Code: 11126
Tel: (020) 3560764
Cell: 0722 202 333, 0734 600 706
- Cooperative Bank Ridgeways Mall
Branch Code: 11156
Address: P.o Box 148-00621, Village Market
Cell: 0770 060 612, 0702 907 534, 0780 123 085
- River Road Branch
Branch Code: 11079
Tel: (020) 2210321
Cell: 0719 865 297, 0732 688 900
- Ruaka Branch
Branch Code: 11089
Cell: 0717 968 725, 0738 427 011
Tel: (020) 2329984
- Ruiru Branch
Branch Code: 11138
Tel: (020) 2519006(020) 2519006
Cell: 0733 124 649, 0708 223 343
- Utawala Branch
P.O. Box 48022 – 00100 Nairobi
Tel: 0701 826 885, 0786 666 019
- Kenyatta Avenue Branch
Branch Code: 11164
Tel: 0793 072 017, 0782 501 012
- Enterprise Road Branch
Branch Code: 11056
Cell: 0728 608 030 / 0732 400 266
- Coop Bank Gikomba Branch
Branch Code: 11078
Tel: (020) 651760
Cell: 0728 608 030, 0732 400 266
- Gikomba Area 42 Branch
Branch Code: 11154
Tel: (020) 2601484
Cell: 0732 688 868, 0719 865 299
- Githunguri Branch
Branch Code: 11134
Tel: (020) 2588268(020) 2588268/ 9
Cell: 0708 223 341, 0732 520 694
- Githurai Branch
Branch Code: 11047
Tel: (020) 2133638, 2032589
Cell: 0724 253 266, 0733 330 051
- Githurai Kimbo Branch
Branch Code: 11106
C/O Githurai Branch
Contact: (020) 3504391
Cell: 0708 023 155
0733 751 040
- Gigiri Mall Branch
Branch Code: 11151
Physical Location: Gigiri Square Building, Opposite the UN Headquarters
Tel: (020) 2181342
(020) 2181340
Cell: 0786 666 036, 0701 156 885
- Green House Mall
Branch Code: 11153
Tel: (020) 218358, (020) 218357
Cell: 0786 666 058, 0701 115 000
- Hilton Branch
Branch Code: 11270
Tel: (020) 2210551
Cell: 0714 052 560, 0732 327 601
- Industrial Area Branch
Branch Code: 11007
Tel:(020) 20530881
Cell: 0722 202 979, 0734 600 705
- JomoKenyatta International Airport (JKIA) Branch
Branch Code: 11158
Cell: 0701 825 930 / 0733 200 122
- Juja Branch
Branch Code: 11124
Tel: (020) 2631096(020) 2631096
Cell: 0733 123 725, 0708 822 33710708 8223371
- Kajiado Branch
Branch Code: 11076
Tel: (053) 8003358(053) 8003358, (045) 21000(045) 21000, 21422
Cell: 0733 073 790, 0735 104 340, 0729 111 692, 0735 073 790
- Kangemi Branch
Branch Code: 11074
Tel: (020) 2132719, 2132717
Cell: 0729 111 596, 0735 06337
- Aga Khan Walk Branch
Branch Code: 11065
(020) 2214063
Cell: 0729 110 777
0732 760 465
- Athi River Branch
Branch Code: 11033
(045) 6622880(045) 6622880, 6622875/6
Cell: 0722 207 575
0734 333 316
- Buru Buru Branch
Branch Code: 11032
(020) 7780187
Cell: 0735 600 520
0713 600 991
- City Hall Branch
Branch Code: 11049
0729 110 777
0732 760 465
0724 253 255
0733 330 052
- Co-op House Branch
Branch Code: 11002
(020) 3276280
Cell: 0711 049 280
0732 106 280
- Cooperative Bank Dagoretti Branch
Branch Code: 11130
020 2181333
Cell: 0701 154 136
0786 666 042
- Coop Bank Dandora Branch
Branch Code: 11075
(020) 2601488
Cell: 0719 865 298
- Donholm Branch
Branch Code: 11087
(020) 7780042
Cell: 0717 969 024
0738 427 026
- Eastleigh Branch
Branch Code: 11020
Contact: (020) 2491125
Cell: 0728 604 473
0738 330 909
- Emali Branch
Branch Code: 11159
0708 223 342
Cell: 0729 111 597
0735 103 231
- Embakasi Branch
Branch Code: 11069
Tel: (020) 8040960
Cell: 0729 111 597, 0735 103 231
- Embakasi Junction Branch
Branch Code: 11121
Physical Location: Opposite Taj Mall, off North Airport Road
Tel: 020 2588522
Cell: 0708 223 340
0733 124 746
- Kariobangi Branch
Branch Code: 11041
Tel: (020) 2069124, 2069148
Cell: 0722 202 133, 0734 600 711
- Cooperative Bank Kayole Branch
Branch Code: 11027
Tel: (020) 2667554, 2403404
Cell: 0713 600 992, 0735 600 527
- Cooperative Bank Kimathi Street Branch
Branch Code: 11045
Tel: (020) 315435, 315436
Cell: 0722 202 340, 0733 600 650
- Kibera Branch
Branch Code: 11070
Tel: (020) 2667231
Cell: 0717 969 070, 0738 427 027
- Kikuyu Branch
Branch Code: 11133
Tel: (020) 2595429(020) 2595429
Cell: 0733 123 471, 0708 223 307
- Kilimani Branch
Branch Code: 11161
Tel: 0708 223 302
- Kitengela Branch
Branch Code: 11064
Tel: (020) 2603646(020) 2603646
Cell: 0724 255 352, 0737 880 081
- Kiserian Mall
Branch Code: 11143
(020) 2504837(020) 2504837, (020) 2504838(020) 2504838
0786 666 056
0701 154 185
- Coop Bank Langata Road (T- Mall) Branch
Physical Location: T-Mall Shopping Complex, near the junction of Mbagathi Road & Langata Road
Branch Code: 11123
Tel: (020) 2446926
Cell: 0733 124 046
- Coop Bank Lavington Mall Branch
Physical Location: Located at Lavington Green Shopping Centre
Branch Code: 11149
(020) 2181363
- Limuru Branch
Branch Code: 11132
(020) 2595486
(020) 2595486
Cell: 0708 223 390
0732 520 656
- Maasai Mall Branch
Branch Code: 11141
Cell: 0701 209 480, 0786 666 072
- Mlolongo Branch
Branch Code: 11107
Tel: (020) 2366687, 236668
Cell: 0708 023 146, 0733 751 041
- Mombasa Road Branch
Branch Code: 11127
Tel: (020) 2598035
Cell: 0708 223 392, 0733 124 354
- Cooperative Bank Moi Avenue Branch
Branch Code: 11014
Tel: (020) 315191/2
Cell: 0728 601 218/9, 0737 690 708, 0737 690 709
- Nacico Branch
Branch Code: 11040
Tel: 0701 825 973, 0736 690 606
Cell: 0721 252 994, 0733 333 931
All the above listed Cooperative Bank of Kenya Branches In Nairobi County are currently operating and offering all Co-op Bank Services.
You can physically visit any Cooperative Bank Branch near you or you can call in to talk to the branch representative through the contact details provided below each Coop Bank Branch above.