East Africa Institute of Certified Studies Courses Offered (full list) and Contact

Accredited courses offered at East Africa Institute of Certified Studies are listed below.
East Africa Institute of Certified Studies offers all these courses for both new students and the existing students currently enrolled in the institution.
Find the list of courses that are currently available in East Africa Institute of Certified Studies, for students or candidates who would like to join the institution and pursue their career.
Here are the Diploma courses, Certificate courses, Postgraduate courses, Undergraduate courses, Craft, Artisan courses among others that are currently offered at East Africa Institute of Certified Studies this academic year.
Below is the list of courses offered at East Africa Institute of Certified Studies (ICS)
Courses Offered At East Africa Institute of Certified Studies:
- Certificate Courses:
Certificate in Motor Vehicle Mechanics(Motor Vehicle Mechanics)
Certificate in Clearing and Forwarding(Clearing and Forwarding)
Certificate in Business Management(Business Management)
Certificate in Customer Service(Customer Service)
Certificate in Information Communication Technology(ICT)
Certificate in Public Relations(Public Relations)
Certificate in Interior Design(Interior Design)
Certificate in Human Resource Management(HRM)
Certificate in Tour Guiding Operations(Tour Guiding Operations)
Certificate in Front Office Operations(Front Office Operations)
Certificate in Food and Beverage Service(Food and Beverage Service)
Certificate in Entrepreneurship(Entrepreneurship)
Certificate in Computer Aided Design(Computer Aided Design)
Certificate in Banking and Finance(Banking and Finance)
Certificate in Accounting(Accounting)
Nail Technology Course(Nail)
Certificate in Hospitality Management(Hospitality Management)
Certificate in Beauty Therapy(Beauty Therapy)
Certificate in Ear Piercing(Ear Piercing)
Certificate in CCTV Installation(CCTV Installation)
Certificate in Dress Making(Dress Making)
Certificate in Financial Accounting(Financial Accounting)
Certificate in Project Management(Project Management)
Certificate in Sales and Marketing(Sales and Marketing)
Certificate in Security Management(Security Management)
Certificate in Road Transport(Road Transport)
Certificate in Training of Trainers(TOT)
Certificate in Life Skills(Life Skills)
Air Travel and Customer Services with Cabin Crew(Air Travel and Customer Services with Cabin Crew)
Certificate in Reflexology(Reflexology)
Certificate in Barbering(Barbering)
Certificate in Spa Therapy(Spa Therapy)
Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
Certificate in Disaster Management(Disaster management)
Certificate in Criminology(Criminology)
Certificate in Peace and International Relations(Peace and International Relations)
Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics(Nutrition and Dietetics)
Certificate in Early Childhood Development and Education(ECDE)
Certificate in Maritime Transport and Logistics(Maritime Transport and Logistics)
Accounting Technicians Diploma(ATD)
Certificate in Conflict and Conflict Resolution Management(Conflict and Conflict Resolution Management)
Certificate in Report Writing,Conference and Seminar Papers(Report Writing,Conference and Seminar Papers)
Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP)
Certificate in Automotive Engineering(Automotive Engineering)
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation(Catering and Accommodation)
Certificate in Community Health and HIV Management(Community Health and HIV Management)
Certified Secretaries Section 1(CS)
Certificate in Hotel and Catering Supervision
Certificate in Supply Chain Management
Certificate in Massage Therapy
Bakery NC LEVEL 3
Basic house Keeping Operations Course
International Computer Driving Licence ICDL
Certificate in Microsoft office
Certificate in Communication Skills in English
Certificate in Computer Engineering
Stress Management
Certificate in Leadership and Leadership Styles
Artisan Certificate in Store keeping
Artisan Certificate in Electrical Installation
Certificate in Information Studies
Certificate in Bakery and Pastry
Proficiency Certificate in Supervisory Skills
Certificate in Web Design Specialist
Certificate in Supplies Management
Artisan Certificate in Salesmanship
Certificate in Tourism and Business studies
Artisan Certificate in Beauty Therapy and Hair Dressing
Certificate in Drug and Substance Abuse Counseling
Certificate in Fashion Design and Clothing Technology
Certificate in Garment Making
Artisan Certificate in Plumbing Technology
CPR and First Aid Training
Certificate in Operating Systems
Certificate in Computerized Animation
Certificate in Digital Media Packages
Certificate in Statistical Packages
Shaping Eyebrows Course
Geo Polish Course
Plaiting Course
Saloon Management Course
Certificate in Tourism Management(Tourism Management)
Certificate in Cisco Certified Network Associate(CCNA)
Certificate in French Language(French Language)
Certificate in English Language(English Language)
Certificate in Computer Programming(Computer Programming)
Certificate in Journalism(Journalism)
Certificate in Secretarial Studies(Secretarial Studies)
Certificate in Information Technology(Information Technology)
Certificate in Cosmetology(Cosmetology)
- Diploma Courses:
Diploma in Airport Operations
Diploma in Hairdressing
Diploma in Housekeeping and Accommodation
Diploma In Social Work and Community Development
Diploma in CCTV
Diploma in Airline Business Management
Diploma in Food and Beverage Management
Diploma in Road Transport Management
Diploma in Computer Engineering(Computer Engineering)
Diploma in Business Administration(Business Administration)
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering(Mechanical Engineering)
Diploma in Information Technology(Information Technology)
Diploma in Office Management and Secretarial Studies(Office Management and Secretarial Studies)
Diploma in Accounting and Finance(Accounting and Finance)
Diploma in Journalism(Journalism)
Diploma in Secretarial Studies(Secretarial Studies)
Diploma in Cosmetology(Cosmetology)
Diploma in Human Resource Management(Human Resource Management)
Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management(Hotel and Restaurant Management)
Diploma in Banking and Finance(Banking and Finance)
Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Diploma in Computer Programming(Computer Programming)
Diploma in Project Management(Project Management)
Diploma in Travel and Tourism Management(Travel and Tourism Management)
Diploma in Community Development(Community Development)
Diploma in Customs Clearing and Forwarding(Customs Clearing and Forwarding)
Diploma in Pastry and Bakery(Pastry and Bakery)
Diploma in Information Communication Technology(ICT)
Diploma in Accounting(Accounting)
Diploma in Sales and Marketing(Sales and Marketing)
Diploma in NGO Management(NGO Management)
Diploma in Public Relations(Public Relations)
IATA Diploma in Airline Cargo Handling( Cargo Handling)
IATA Diploma in Cabin Crew(Cabin Crew)
Diploma in Travel and Tourism Foundations(DTTF)
Diploma in Food and Beverage Services (Food and Beverage Services)
Diploma in Supply Chain Management(Supply Chain Management)
Diploma in International Relations(International Relations)
Diploma in Tourism Management(Tourism Management)
Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education(ECDE)
Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Management(Purchasing and Supplies Management)
Diploma in Travel and Tour Guiding Management(Travel and Tour Guiding Management)
Diploma in Maritime Transport and Logistics(Maritime Transport and Logistics)
Diploma in Travel and Tour Operations Management(Travel and Tour Operations Management)
Diploma in International Travel and Tourism Consultant(International Travel and Tourism Consultant)
Diploma in Front Office Operations and Customer Care Management
Diploma in Customs Legislation and Procedures(Customs Legislation and Procedures)
Diploma in Automotive Engineering(Automotive Engineering)
Diploma in Shipping and Logistics
Diploma in Computing and Information Systems
- East Africa Institute of Certified Studies Contacts:
Physical Address: StanBank House,
3rd Floor, Moi Avenue,
Near Tom Mboya Statue,
Next to Kenya National Archives
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone Number: 0722 857455
Telephone Number 2: 0728022700
Email Address:
Website: https://www.ics.ac.ke/