Intellects College Courses Offered (full list) and Contact
Looking for all the courses offered at Intellects College?
List of accredited courses offered at Intellects College are listed below. Intellects College offers all these courses for both new students and the existing students currently enrolled in the institution.
Find the list of courses that are currently available in Intellects College, for students or candidates who would like to join the institution and pursue their career course.
Here are, Diploma courses, Certificate courses, Postgraduate courses, Undergraduate courses, Craft, Artisan courses among others that are currently offered at Intellects College right now.
Below is the list of courses offered at Intellects College
Courses Offered At Intellects College:
- Certificate Courses:
Certificate in Community Development(Community Development)
Certificate in Front Office Operations(Front Office Operations)
Accounting Technicians Diploma(ATD)
Certificate in Accounting and Management Science(Accounting and Management Science)
Certified Public Accountant(CPA)
CPA Section 1(CPA)
CPA Section 2(CPA)
CPA Section 3(CPA)
CPA Section 4(CPA)
CPA Section 5(CPA)
- Diploma Courses:
Diploma in Secretarial Studies(Secretarial Studies)
Diploma in Accountancy(Accountancy
- Intellects College Contacts:
Address: P.O. BOX 1501 Kitui
Location: Kitui, Kenya
Telephone Number: +254 714 883772
Telephone Number 2: +254 738 704001
Email Address: