Gretsa University Courses Offered (full list) and Contact
Looking for all the courses offered at Gretsa University?
List of accredited courses offered at Gretsa University are listed below.
Gretsa University offers all these courses for both new students who want to join the institution and the existing students currently enrolled in the institution.
You can find the list of courses that are currently available in Gretsa University, for all the students or candidates who would like to join the institution and pursue their career course.
Here are, Masters courses, Degree courses, Diploma courses, Certificate courses, Postgraduate courses, Undergraduate courses, among others that are currently offered at Gretsa University this academic year.
Below is the list of courses offered at Gretsa University
Courses Offered At Gretsa University:
- Bridging Courses:
Bridging Course in Chemistry(Chemistry )
Bridging Course in Biology(Biology)
- Certificate Courses:
Certificate in Journalism and Mass Communication(Journalism and Mass Communication)
Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education(ECCE)
Foundation Certificate of Gretsa University(Foundation Certificate)
Certificate in Desktop Publishing and Graphics Design(Desktop Publishing and Graphics Design)
Certificate in Environmental Health(Environmental Health)
Certificate in Health Records and Information technology(Health Records and Information Technology)
Certificate in Nutrition and Dietetics(Nutrition and Dietetics)
Certificate in Information Science(Information Science)
Certificate in Public and Community Health(Public and Community Health)
Certificate in Information Technology(Information Technology)
Certificate in Food Production(Food Production)
- Degree Courses:
Bachelor of Commerce(Commerce)
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science(Computer Science)
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management(Hospitality Management)
Bachelor of Arts in Community Development(Community Development)
- Diploma Courses:
Diploma in Counseling Psychology(Counseling Psychology)
Diploma in Business Management(Business Management)
Diploma in Computer Science(Computer Science)
Diploma in Library and Information Science(Library and Information Science)
Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication(Journalism and Mass Communication)
Diploma in Purchasing and Supply(Purchasing and Supply)
Diploma in Human Resource Management(Human Resource Management)
Diploma in Banking and Finance(Banking and Finance)
Diploma in Project Management(Project Management)
Diploma in Travel and Tourism Management(Travel and Tourism Management)
Diploma of Education in Arts(Arts)
Diploma in Credit Management(Credit Management)
Diploma in Accounting(Accounting)
Diploma in Public Relations(Public Relations)
Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics(Nutrition and Dietetics)
Diploma in Environmental Health(Environmental Health)
Diploma in Marketing Management(Marketing Management)
Diploma in Business Information Technology(Business Information Technology)
Diploma in County Governance(County Governance)
Diploma in Primary Teacher Education(Primary Teacher Education)
Diploma in Records and Information Management(Records and Information Management)
Diploma in Special Needs Education(Special Needs Education)
Diploma in Public Administration(Public Administration)
Diploma in International Relations and Diplomatic Studies
Diploma in Early Childhood Development and Education(ECDE)
Diploma in Real Estate Management(Real Estate Management)
Diploma in MicroFinance and Cooperatives Management(MicroFinance and Cooperatives Management)
Diploma in Agricultural Enterprise and Project Management(Agricultural Enterprise and Project Management)
Diploma in Software Systems Development(Software Systems Development)
Diploma in Food Production(Food Production)
Diploma in Community Health(Community Health)
Diploma in Health Records and Information Technology(Health Records and Information Technology)
- Gretsa University Contacts:
Address: P.O.Box 3 – 01000 THIKA
Location: Thika, Kenya
Telephone Number: (+254) – 0711 – 949 006
Telephone Number 2: (+254) – 0712 – 959 293
Email Address: