15 Best Business Ideas in Kenya to Start with Ksh. 30,000 only

Business Ideas in Kenya 30k

Sure thing!

So, you’ve got 30k and you’re itching to start your own business in Kenya? Awesome! With that kind of budget, you’ve got plenty of options to explore.

From service-based ventures to small-scale retail operations, there are tons of business ideas that can take off with the right amount of dedication and creativity. So, let’s dive in and explore some promising opportunities that could turn your 30k into a thriving business venture in Kenya.

Profitable Businesses To Start With 30K in Kenya:

1. Fast Food Business

A small fast food joint can be set up with this budget, offering affordable and delicious meals in busy commercial areas. The initial capital would cover basic equipment and ingredients.

2. Mobile Car Wash

This business requires minimal equipment such as a bucket, sponge, and soap, and can be operated in various locations, providing flexibility and low startup costs.

3. Freelance Writing

With just a computer and internet connection, you can start a freelance writing business. This is ideal if you have strong writing skills and want to work from home.

4. Daycare

If you enjoy working with children, a home-based daycare can be a rewarding option. The capital would go towards toys, basic furniture, and marketing.

5. Photography

Invest in a decent camera and start offering photography services for events like weddings and parties. This business can grow with your skill and reputation.

6. Second-Hand Clothing (Mitumba)

The mitumba clothes business involves selling second-hand clothing, which you can source from markets like Gikomba. This business is profitable and in high demand.

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7. Tutoring

Provide tutoring services for students. With minimal investment in marketing and basic teaching materials, you can start this business from your home.

8. Professional Cleaning Services

Start a cleaning service targeting residential and commercial clients. Invest in quality cleaning supplies and equipment.

9. Beauty Products

Sell beauty products such as makeup and skincare items. This business can be started online or through a small retail outlet.

10. Bakery

Bake and sell cakes and pastries. This can initially be done from your home, reducing overhead costs.

11. Fruit Vending

Purchase a cart and stock it with a variety of fruits to sell in high-foot-traffic areas.

12. Kinyozi (Barber Shop)

Set up a small barbershop in a high-density area. Invest in basic barber tools and focus on providing excellent service.

13. Social Media Management

Help businesses manage their social media accounts. This requires minimal startup costs and can be done remotely.

14. T-shirt Printing

Start a t-shirt printing business where you print custom designs and sell them online or at markets. The initial investment would be for a printer and some basic materials.

15. Event Planning

Plan and coordinate small events such as birthday parties and graduations. This business requires good organizational skills and can start with minimal capital.


Starting a business with 30,000 KES is very achievable in Kenya. The key is to choose an idea that aligns with your skills and interests, and to focus on providing quality service to build a loyal customer base. With dedication and strategic planning, your small investment can grow into a successful venture.

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