5+ Best Licensed French Beans (Horticultural) Exporters in Kenya

Horticultural exporters in Kenya French beans

Kenya’s horticultural sector is a vibrant and crucial part of the country’s economy, with French beans being one of the standout crops.

The success of this industry is supported by a network of dedicated exporters who ensure that the highest quality produce reaches international markets.

These exporters not only connect local farmers to global buyers but also uphold rigorous standards to maintain Kenya’s reputation in the global market. Here’s a look at some of the leading French beans and horticultural exporters in Kenya.

List Of Licensed French Beans and Horticultural Exporters in Kenya


VegPro is a giant in the horticultural export industry, operating since the 1980s. With six farms and collaborations with over 1,700 farmers, VegPro ensures a consistent supply of premium produce. They can be contacted at 020 822 831 or 020 822 753.

Homefresh Horticulture Export Limited

Homefresh Horticulture Export Limited, based in Nairobi, specializes in exporting vegetables and fruits to the UK and Europe. They operate a Parkhouse near JKIA for efficient logistics. Reach them at +254 22 821074 for more details.

InterVeg Exports Limited

Located in Uhuru Gardens, Nairobi, InterVeg Exports Limited supplies over 150 tonnes of horticultural produce monthly, including French beans, snow peas, courgettes, and passion fruits. Contact them at +254 20 244 57 56.

Woni Exporters

Since 1987, Woni Exporters has been a key player in the sector, training and empowering farmers. They can be contacted at +254 020 714 5205 or via email at [email protected].

Keitt Exporters Limited

Keitt Exporters Limited focuses on the Middle East market, exporting fruits and vegetables from their base at Keitt Complex on Old Mombasa Road, Nairobi. Contact them at +254 20 233 8176.

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Kenya Fresh Produce Exporters

Founded in 2004, Kenya Fresh Produce Exporters is dedicated to training growers and maintaining quality produce for export. Reach them at +254 722 49683 or +254 716 381413, or email [email protected].

Wamu Investments

Wamu Investments sources produce from five farms and additional contracted farmers, supporting them with inputs on credit. Contact them at +25420 823441 for more information.


The licensed exporters of French beans and horticultural products in Kenya are vital to the sector’s success. They ensure that local farmers can access international markets, uphold high standards, and support the industry’s growth.

These exporters play a pivotal role in maintaining Kenya’s reputation as a top exporter of fresh produce, helping farmers secure better prices and sustain their livelihoods. Engaging with these exporters not only boosts the local economy but also promotes sustainable agricultural practices.

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