How To Pay Nairobi Water Bill Via M-PESA Paybill Number
Here is an easy guide on how you can be able to pay for your Nairobi water bills through MPESA today.
Nairobi Water has made it extremely easy for their customers to pay all their water bills using mobile money, MPESA.
To pay Nairobi Water through their M-Pesa Paybill Number, follow the easy steps below.
Pay Nairobi Water Bills Using M-Pesa:
- Open Safaricom SIM Tool Kit
- Select M-PESA
- Select Lipa na M-PESA
- Select the PayBill option
- Enter Business Number as: 444400
(444400 is the Nairobi Water PayBill Number)
- For Account Number enter the Nairobi Water Account Number you want to pay the water bill for
- Enter the Amount of money you want to pay Nairobi Water Company
- Enter your M-PESA PIN and confirm the transaction
Use the M-PESA HAKIKISHA, to make sure that all the details you have provided are correct.
You will receive an M-PESA confirmation SMS, as well as from Nairobi Water.
Please note that It takes up to 48 hours (2 days) for Nairobi Water to update payment information on your account
You should not encounter any problems, when paying your water bill through the process above, but if you do, feel free to get in touch with Nairobi Water today through the contact information provided below.
Nairobi Water Customer Care:
Phone Number:
0703 080598
0703 080 000
Nairobi Water Email Address: