How To Work Out At Home (No Equipments Needed)


How To Work Out At Home (No Equipments Needed)

Working out at home can save you money and a lot of time if done right. It’s very flexible and easy to start working out at home to stay fit and healthy.

These workouts covered on this article don’t require any equipments to be effective. This are non-equipment but very effective workouts for your hole body.

Even if you are a complete beginner at this. Keep reading – How To Work Out At Home (No Equipments Needed)

If you have no time to hit the gym everyday. You should consider working out from home. Your busy schedule should not interfere with your fitness goals and healthy lifestyle.

For those of you who have the time to go to the gym but maybe the gym membership plan is too expensive for you to be consistent. No worries. This article covers the alternative of going to the gym.

So, if you are thinking of starting a successful fitness journey, by working out at home. You are in the right place.

How to start working out from home. Before we cover how to work out at home. Let’s first look at the best exercises, that blend in well with working out at home.

One thing you should know, the difference between a person with a gym membership and you, (a person working out from home) is that, the one with the gym membership. Spends money. But you don’t.

The exercises are relatively the same, other than the fact that the gym has more professional equipments and correct measurements on weights.

Apart from that, both of you are basically working out. And that’s what matters at this point.

With that said. Here are exercises for you to work out at home with.

How to Workout at Home with no Equipments:

1: Push Ups

Push ups, this is a very important exercise when working out at home. Push ups help build strong arms and shoulders. You can perform push ups on a mat, carpet or the floor (not recommended for bare floors).

For a beginner. You can can perform push ups with a simple technique such as, dropping your knees to the floor when doing the push ups. (better for beginners)

When you have gained more strength on push ups, and you have progressed well. Then now you can move to 10 to 20 reps. But this time, without your knees to the floor.

Challenge yourself to much higher reps as you gain more strength. Challenging yourself during work outs is very essential.

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2: Plank

Planks are also one the best exercise that can easily be done at home. Without the need of any gym training equipment.

Plank strengthens the abdominal muscles and they also support your back. To perform the best effective plunk. Hold the plank position for at least 10 to 20 seconds.

After performing plunk for a while and you have now gained strength. Now progress to 30 to 50 seconds. Always remember to challenge your limits. The more you aim higher the better. But don’t aim too high. Keep going until eventually, you get to 60 seconds (one minute)

3: Wall Squats

Another awesome exercise to do at home is wall squats. To effectively perform wall squats. Here’s how to do it well.

First, you have to stand with your back to the wall. Then sink down, maintaining your back at the wall. Sink down at a seating like position. Ensure your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Perform wall squats exercise for 20 to 40 seconds, with the wall still supporting your back. Always remember the challenge. As you get more strength, go up to a minute (60 seconds).

4: Lunges

Number 4 on this list of How To Work Out At Home (No Equipments Needed) will be Lunges. Lunges will help build your thighs and the muscles around it. For a good lunges exercise. Follow these tips.

Use a chair (recommended) or anything in your house that can fit the same structure.

Wear flexible clothes or fitness gear that are not uncomfortable.

Work towards doing lunges without support as you gain more strength. You will be good to go without any support after doing lunges for a couple of times.

5: Squats

Squats helps your lower body. When done right, Squats are good exercise for your buttocks and thighs. Furthermore, Squats will definitely give you a nice looking body shape.

The best ways to do squats is doing it as if you are sitting on a chair or something of that sort. The number of times you can do will depend on how much time you have put out for exercising. It’s up to you to decide how many squats you want to do. But as always. Remember to challenge yourself.

How to work out at home: what will help you out.

Now, after checking out the best exercises that you can do at home without any equipments needed. Now let’s check out what will help you out with the work out process.

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At the comfort of your home, where will you get the motivation to keep on working out? Where will you get videos to take inspiration from?

That’s what we will cover here. The mission of this article is to help you work out at home smoothly. Nothing will make you proud 3 months from now, when you realize, how fit you are just by working out at home.


Make Your Body The SEXIEST Outfit You Have.

For a smooth and easy work out in your house. You may need to know these things:


Just Because you are working out at home, that doesn’t give you a free pass to work out in your favorite jeans. You should put on comfortable clothes, that will be easy for you to work out in.

Preferably, since you are at home, meaning you don’t have to look too good as if in the gym. You can put on some old sweatpants or new ones. It doesn’t really matter, just make sure you feel comfortable in them, before you start working out.

If you have the right gears for exercising, the better. But you don’t necessarily need to have them. Putting on a nice fit in leggings would work perfectly.

Shoes don’t really matter (since you are at home), but if you happen to have athletic shoes, definitely put them on. Bottom line, wear something that you can freely move in.


For inspiration and tutorial purposes, the internet is there for you. For free. You can find unlimited videos on YouTube about anything working out at home related, that is giving you problems. Check out Popsugar Fitness.

Follow fitness motivation accounts on Instagram and Pinterest, to get the motivation you need to keep going.

Nowadays, there’s a lot of free workout apps online, that will help you out big time when working out.


Working out or losing weight is a process. Don’t try to rush the results. You just need to be consistent with your work out plan. It will do you no good to set up a very high goal, that you will most probably not archive in time.

Because, let’s face it. You can not get fit after one week of working out at home. It’s just not realistic to get fit that quick. Don’t let those blogs you read online about “how to get fit in 7 days” lie to you.

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As a matter of fact, you will love the way you look even more, when you completely understand how far you have come and the hard work you have put in, to get to the point where you are right now.

Do yourself a favor and set a goal that you know, you can achieve if you put on some effort. If you set a goal too high for you. That will only get you discouraged (if you don’t achieve it) and decide to quit eventually. And that’s not the reason you clicked on this page.


Work out 3 times per week for 3 hours a day or Work out 5 times a week for 1 hour a day. Depending on how tight your weeks normally are. These are good place to start from.

If you choose to go with any of the above recommendations. Just be consistent. That’s all you need to be. Try as much as you possibly can to never miss a day. As a matter of fact DON’T EVER MISS A DAY!


As I said before. The goal is to become consistent and trusting the process. Which technically means. You need to take a rest sometimes.

If you overload yourself with working out 24/7 for long hours, you will get overwhelmed pretty soon, and that will lead to inconsistency.

So, the break days should only be used for resting, take a good rest so that you can be ready for the next workout. You need rest. You are only human.

For example: if you workout on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Use the remaining days to have a good rest. Your muscles need a break and so do you.

General Work Out Tips






FAQ answered!

Is A 20 Minutes Workout Effective?

Absolutely. A 20 Minutes Workout is better than nothing. 20 minutes workout done daily is equal to 2 hours and 20 minutes in week. That’s progress.

Is It Workout Or Work Out?

Workout is a noun that means an exercise session while on the other hand, work out is a verb phase that means exercise.

What Are The Best Exercises To Do

Push Ups
Dumbbells Rows

There you have it – How To Work Out At Home (No Equipments Needed)

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