Kenyan CSs Salaries and Allowances 2025

Salaries for Cabinet Secretaries
Each Cabinet Secretary (CS) earns a monthly salary of Ksh.924,000, broken down as follows:
- Basic Salary: Ksh.554,400
- House Allowance: Ksh.200,000
- Market Adjustment: Ksh.169,600
Additional Benefits for Cabinet Secretaries
CSs enjoy several additional perks, including:
- State Vehicle: An official vehicle with an engine capacity not exceeding 3000cc.
- Medical Cover: Annual coverage for one spouse and up to four dependents under 25 years. The medical benefits include:
- Inpatient: Ksh.10 million
- Outpatient: Ksh.300,000
- Maternity: Ksh.150,000
- Dental: Ksh.75,000
- Optical: Ksh.75,000
Loans and Allowances
Cabinet Secretaries are entitled to:
- Car Loan: Up to Ksh.10 million
- Mortgage Facility: Up to Ksh.40 million
- Airtime Allowance: Up to Ksh.20,000 per month
- Travel Allowances: Daily subsistence for domestic and international travel, as determined by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC).
Security Arrangements
CSs receive security arrangements based on recommendations from the Inspector-General of Police.
Freeze on Salary Increases
In July 2024, President William Ruto announced a freeze on proposed salary increases for Cabinet ministers and Members of Parliament. This was in response to a financial crisis and public protests.
Economic Austerity Measures
This decision aligns with broader government efforts to manage fiscal challenges and demonstrate prudence in public spending amidst economic hardships.
The salaries and benefits offered to Cabinet Secretaries reflect the significant responsibilities of their positions. However, the freeze on salary increases underscores the government’s focus on addressing pressing economic challenges.