Kirinyaga University Degree Courses [Full List]

Courses Offered

Kiringaga University Degree Courses Offered:

Kirinyaga University Degree Courses/program offered.

Kirinyaga University Vision

To be a world class university in training, research, technology and innovation for development.

Kirinyaga University Mission

To train and develop world class human resource equipped with innovative technology and skills to meet the demands of a dynamic world.

Below is complete list of the Degree Courses that is currently offered at the institution, Kirinyaga University.

The list of Degree courses below is meant to help you view the complete list of degree courses offered at kirinyaga university and be able to chose the best certificate course that works for you.

Here are Degree Courses offered by this institution that you can select the one that matches your desire and pursue it at the Kirinyaga University.

Kiringaga University Degree Courses Offered:

Bachelor of Economics and Finance(Economics and Finance)    

Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology(Biotechnology)  

Bachelor of Software Engineering(Software Engineering)  

Bachelor of Science in Nursing(Nursing)  

Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management(Human Resource Management)  

Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship(Entrepreneurship)  

Bachelor of Commerce(Commerce)  

Bachelor of Business Information Technology(BBIT)  

Bachelor of Science in Analytical Chemistry(Analytical Chemistry)  

B.Sc. in Information Sciences( Information Sciences)  

Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)()  

BSC in Mathematics(Mathematics)  

Bachelor of Science in Community Health and Development(Community Health and Development)  

Bachelor of Purchasing & Supply Management

Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine(Clinical Medicine)  

BSc. in Health Information Management & Informatics(Health Information Management & Informatics)  

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science(Computer Science)  

Bachelor of Science (Statistics) (mathematics )  

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Computer Science(Mathematics & Computer Science)  

Bsc Fashion Design and Textile Technology(Fashion Design and Textile Technology)  

Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science( Forensic Science)  

Bachelor of Economics and Statistics(Economics and Statistics)  

Bachelor of Science(Clinical Medicine and Community Health)  

Bachelor of Science(Bsc)  

Bachelor of Enterprise Management (Enterprise Management )  

Bachelor of Science in Financial Engineering(Financial Engineering)  

Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics and Computing()  

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Information Technology)  

Bachelor Of Technology In Textile Engineering(Technology) 

Bachelor of Science in Medical Engineering(Medical Engineering)  

Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic Engineering(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)  

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry(Biochemistry)  

Bachelor of Economics(Economics)  

Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science(Actuarial Science)  

Bachelor of Science in Health Records and Information Management(Health Records Information Management)

For more information about the institution and courses offered, contact the institution’s management or reach out to them through the institution’s contact details below.

Kirinyaga University
P.O Box 143 – 10300

 Location: Kerugoya

 Telephone Number: +254 0709 742000

 Email Address: [email protected]

 University Website:

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