Top 10 Most Marketable Short Certificate Courses In Kenya 2022

What are the most Marketable Short Certificate Courses to pursue as a career in Kenya this year?.
Here are the top best and most marketable Short Certificate courses to study this year in Kenya.
Kenyan Universities and Colleges offer a lot of short courses and it can be difficult to choose and settle for one certificate course that you will dedicate your full attention to until you complete the short course.
There are very high demanding short certificate courses that you can pursue in kenya today and easily land a job.
There is heartbreaking situation in the world than to spend years in school and dedicating your entire life to a course just to end up jobless.
That’s why we came up with these 10 Short Certificate marketable courses in Kenya that guarantee you a job in its field.
With the help of a few Education Researchers and Industry experts, we have a list of the top courses in Kenya that will most likely put you in a place you want to be in the near future.
With that being said, let’s jump right into it, below are the top 10 Best Short Certificate Courses To Pursue in Kenya.
Best Short Certificate Courses In Kenya:
1. ICT Professional Courses
One of the best short certificate courses to study in Kenya this year is the ICT courses offered in Kenyan universities and colleges.
2. Accounting Certification programs
This includes; likes of CPA, ACCA, CFA, CIFA to name but a few.
3. Certified Human Resource Associate or Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) courses
This is another very in demand short course to pursue in the country.
4. Certified Information Communication Technology (CICT)
5. Actuarial professional courses
6. Certificate in Project Management.
7. Procurement Professional short courses
8. Certified Information Systems Auditor, (CISA)
9. Certificate in electrical installations and repair
This course is one of the best short courses today.
10. Certificate in Information Technology
This is a KNEC examination body.