NIBS Technical College Courses Offered (full list) and Contact
Looking for all the courses offered at NIBS Technical College?
List of accredited courses offered at NIBS Technical College are listed below. NIBS Technical College offers all these courses for both new students who want to join the institution and the existing students currently enrolled in the institution.
You can find the list of courses that are currently available in NIBS Technical College, for all the students or candidates who would like to join the institution and pursue their careers.
Here are the Diploma courses, Certificate courses, Postgraduate courses, Undergraduate courses, Craft, Artisan courses among others that are currently offered at NIBS Technical College this year.
Below is the list of courses offered at NIBS Technical College
Courses Offered At NIBS Technical College:
- Certificate Courses:
Certificate in Business Management(Business Management)
Certificate in Information Communication Technology(ICT)
Certificate in Sales and Marketing(Sales and Marketing)
Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Electrical and Electronic Engineering)
Certificate in Catering and Accommodation(Catering and Accommodation)
Artisan Certificate in Automotive Engineering
Artisan Certificate in Electrical Installation
Certificate in Food and Beverage Production, Sales and Service Management
CPA Section 1(CPA)
CPA Section 2(CPA)
CPA Section 3(CPA)
CPA Section 4(CPA)
CPA Section 5(CPA)
CPA Section 6(CPA)
Certificate in Supply Chain Management
International Computer Driving Licence ICDL
Artisan Certificate in Store keeping
ATD Level 1
ATD Level 2
ATD Level 3
- Diploma Courses:
Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies (Journalism and Media Studies )
Diploma in Automotive Engineering(Automotive Engineering)
Diploma in Catering and Accommodation Operation
International Diploma in Hospitality Management
Diploma in Business Management(Business Management)
Diploma in Cosmetology(Cosmetology)
Diploma in Human Resource Management(Human Resource Management)
Diploma in Hotel, Travel and Tourism Management(Hotel, Travel and Tourism)
Diploma in Project Management(Project Management)
Diploma in Information Communication Technology(ICT)
- Advanced Diploma Courses:
Advanced Diploma in Beauty Therapy(Beauty Therapy)
- NIBS Technical College Contacts:
Physical Address: NIBS Technical College, Ruiru.
Address: PO. Box 1227 – 00232,
Ruiru, Kenya.
Location: Ruiru, Kenya
Telephone Number: +254 722 547746
Email Address: [email protected]