Pan Africa Christian University Courses Offered (full list) and Contact

List of Courses Offered

Looking for all the courses offered at Pan Africa Christian University? Here what we found including the institution’s management contact info.

List of accredited courses offered at Pan Africa Christian University are listed below.

Pan Africa Christian University offers all these courses for both new students and the existing students currently enrolled in the institution.

Find the list of courses that are currently available in Pan Africa Christian University, for students or candidates who would like to join the institution and pursue their career course.

Here are the Masters courses, Diploma courses, Certificate courses, Postgraduate courses, Undergraduate courses, Craft, Artisan courses among others that are currently offered at Pan Africa Christian University this academic year.

Below is the list of courses offered at Pan Africa Christian University

Courses Offered At Pan Africa Christian University:

  • Certificate Courses:

CPA Section 1(CPA)

CPA Section 2(CPA)

Certificate in Youth Development

Certificate in Professional Mediation

Certificate in Computer Applications(Computer Applications)

Certificate in Chinese Language and Culture(Chinese Language and Culture)

  • Degree Courses:

Bachelor of Commerce(Commerce)

Bachelor of Business Information Technology(BBIT)

Bachelor of Arts in Counselling Psychology(Counselling Psychology)

Bachelor of Arts in Communication(Communication)

Bachelor of Arts in Community Development(Community Development)

Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Management(Leadership and Management)

Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Theology

Bachelor of Business Leadership

Bachelor of Arts in Transformational Church

  • Masters Courses:

Master of Business Administration(MBA)

Master of Pentecostal Studies(Pentecostal Studies)

Master of Divinity in Biblical Studies(Biblical Studies )

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy(Marriage and Family Therapy)

Master of Arts in Biblical Theology

Also Read:  Indian Institute Of Hardware Technology (IIHT) Certificate and Diploma Courses Offered 2023

Master of Arts in Children and Youth Ministry

  • Post Graduate Diploma Courses:

Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership(Leadership)

  • Diploma Courses:

Diploma of Leadership and Management

Diploma in Entrepreneurship Development

Diploma in Transformational Church Leadership Program

Diploma in Chinese Language and Culture

Diploma in Counseling Psychology(Counseling Psychology)

Diploma in Procurement and Supply Chain Management(Procurement and Supply Chain Management)

Diploma in Information Communication Technology(ICT)

Diploma in Pastoral Psychology and Counseling(Pastoral Psychology and Counseling)

Diploma in Youth Ministry and Catechesis(Youth Ministry and Catechesis)

Diploma in Communication(Communication)

  • Doctorate Courses:

PhD in Organizational Leadership

PhD in Marriage and Family Therapy

  • Pan Africa Christian University Contacts:

Address: P.O Box 56875 – 00200,
Nairobi, Kenya.

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Telephone Number: +254730955555

Telephone Number 2: +254717400694

Email Address:


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