Giraffe Centre Entry Fees, Location and Contacts
Here is how to get to Giraffe Centre in Nairobi, their contact details and how much you will need to pay at the gate to enter into one of the...
Here is how to get to Giraffe Centre in Nairobi, their contact details and how much you will need to pay at the gate to enter into one of the...
How much is it to visit the Jumba La Mtwana in the coastal region of Kenya. Jumba la Mtwana a picturesque ruined village situated in Kilifi along the Kenyan coast....
Want to know how much it will cost you to enter Mnarani Ruins, here’s everything you need to know about the prices, the location of the site and contact information...
The Nguuni Nature Sanctuary is situated off the Kiembeni Road – 4km from the Bamburi Cement Factory and a 10 minute drive from Bamburi beach. Just a stone’s throw away...