Top 10 Most Marketable Courses To Study In Kenya

Marketable Courses in Kenya

What are the most Marketable Courses to pursue as a career in Kenya this year?.

Here are the top best and most marketable courses to study this year in Kenya.

Kenyan Universities and Colleges offer a lot of courses and it can be difficult to choose and settle for one course that you will dedicate your life to until you graduate.

There is no heartbreaking situation in the world than to spend years in school and dedicating your entire life to a course just to end up jobless.

That’s why we came up with these 10 marketable courses in Kenya that guarantee you a job in its field.

With the help of a few Education Researchers and Industry experts, we have a list of the top courses in Kenya that will most likely put you in a place you want to be in the near future.

With that being said, let’s jump right into it, below are the top 10 Best Courses To Pursue in Kenya.

All the listed courses below are all available in Kenyan higher learning institutions.

If you are looking for the best courses to study in Kenya, here are the top 10 courses in Kenya

Best Courses To Pursue In Kenya:

1. Biomedical Equipment Technician (BMET)

BMET is in such high demand in Kenya than you can imagine.

Pursuing this course in a Kenyan university will provide you with all the necessary skills to deal with the technical aspects of Medical Equipments.

This includes repairing medical equipments that are used in hospitals in Kenya.

Maintenance of electronic machinery, adjustment and repairing other electromechanical and hydraulics used by medical experts.

The demand of this course in the industry is very high, because a lot of people want to be doctors and nurses but who will fix the broken machines in the hospital if everybody is doctor, you have to think smart.

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X-ray equipments need technical maintenance and repairs, CT scanners, ophthalmic, wheelchairs among other important equipments used in the hospital will need someone to take care and repair them regularly to ensure efficiency in their operations.

2. Fashion and Design

First of all before we go any further, did you know that the Fashion and Design industry is now a Billion Dollar industry. In other words there is more than 100 Billion Kenyan Shillings flowing in the industry right now.

Being an expert in this type of industry guarantees that you will make good money.

Especially if you are passionate about fashion and design, you should definitely consider taking this course in Kenya as your career, because the fashion and design industry is not going anywhere but UP every single year.

3. Pharmacy

With the entire world being affected by Covid-19 Pandemic, everyone now more than ever wants to be prescribed medicine by a qualified individual.

This course is also among the most in demand courses in Kenya not mentioning how it is a growing trend these days for people to have/hire their own personal trusted pharmacist.

4. Computer Science

Technology in Kenya has increased dramatically over the past few years and Computer Science professionals are among the most demanded for, experts in Kenya today.

Every single company in Kenya, organizations, institutions and businesses are all relying on computer and adviced technology.

From internet to cyber security you will not lack something to do with a Diploma, Degree or Certificate in computer science.

5. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

This is a course that will blow up in no time especially in Kenya, and those who will be smart enough to pursue it will be happy ripping it’s benefits in the future.

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Because the future is technology and that can’t be undone. If you are a future oriented person and believe that technology is the next big thing then definitely consider pursuing a course in AI.

6. Clinical Medicine

Clinical Medicine is now one of the top most marketable profession ever.

The entire world needs more medical professionals in medicine now more than ever because of what is happening all over the world.

If you are thinking of pursuing a medical related course in Kenya, you should put clinical medicine in your mind as you make your decision.

7. Project Management

We can not talk about marketable courses to study in Kenya and leave behind Project Management course.

Every single start up company in Kenya will at one point require a Project Manager to take the business to the next level, that could be you.

If you are a professional in this sector, you have a very good chance of success in Kenya.

8. Law

Law is one of the most underrated course in Kenya but the students who have already pursued it are nowadays ripping its benefits.

Law is considered a very hard career to pursue in Kenya, but that’s the twist of it.

Less people pursue law but the demand of Lawyers and other law professionals is increasing thus making it a marketable course to pursue in Kenya today.

Not mentioning how high the salary of people in law is, for instance lawyers are among the top highest paid people in Kenya.

9. Digital Marketing

One thing people don’t know is that these big companies and organizations such News companies, E-commerce Sites among other businesses that highly depend on the internet, all rely heavily on Digital Marketing to succeed.

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If you are a professional at online marketing and you secure a job at one of these companies in the country, you are definitely in for good money.

If you are that person who enjoys being online and generally likes to connect and interact with people online, this might be the course you were meant for all along.

10. Film and Animation

Last but not least!

Film and Animation is another Billion Dollar industry at its own.

We are in a area where entertainment is among the most valued part of life. If you can do anything to entertain people, you will make a ton of money and you will never regret pursuing this course.

From Cinematography, 3D animation, Screenwriting, Commercial production, Sound design, Video editing to acting and directing videos & movies, you name it, the list is close to endless.

With respect to Kenya’s Education system, Technology level and Potential salaries of courses that are offered in Kenyan universities and colleges, these are some of the most marketable courses to pursue in Kenya.

There you have it, the top 10 most marketable and currently in demand courses to study in Kenya.

All the courses listed above are available at most Kenyan Universities.

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