Least Marketable Courses In Kenya (List) 2022

Least marketable courses in Kenya

What’s the least marketable courses to study in Kenya today?.

When you join a university or a college as a student in Kenya, you have a dream of one day graduating from your school with flying colors and land a great job in your field.

If that is the case, you probably want to know which courses in Kenya today are the least marketable in the country so that you can avoid pursuing them in school and for lack of a better word, avoid wasting your time in campus.

In this article, with the help of university and college students in Kenya, employed and unemployed graduates and the job industry in Kenya.

We were able to come up with the list of Kenya’s worst courses to study in the country this year.

These courses are the least marketable courses in Kenya which means that getting a job after graduating will be a major problem.

If you are looking for the worst courses in Kenya.

Below are the least marketable courses to study in any Kenyan university or college.

With no particular order, here are the least recommended courses to pursue in the country.

Least Marketable Courses In Kenya:

  • Political Science
  • Sport Science
  • Criminal Justice
  • Childcare and Protection
  • Physical Education
  • Anthropology
  • Gender Development
  • Records Management
  • Library courses
  • Forestry and Environmental Planning
  • Animal Husbandry
  • Psychology and Counselling
  • Meteorology program
  • Theology, Youth Ministry, and Biblical Studies

Please note that Kenyan Magazine DOES NOT provide any professional education information.

The above articles is for informational purposes only.

One can still choose to pursue any of the above courses and still succeed.

Also Read:  Sigalagala National Polytechnic Courses Offered (full list) and Contact
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