TSC Salary Scale: Teacher’s Salaries In Kenya (Primary & Secondary) 2023

A Teacher

How much do Kenyan Teachers make per month as their salary?.

Here is the new TSC salary scale for both Primary Teachers and Secondary Teachers.

During the last Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), Kenyan teacher’s salaries were increased in all phases.

In this article, we have listed all the updated salaries for all teachers in Kenya whether a secondary teacher or a primary teacher.

As you might know, the Teacher’s Service Commission (TSC) has recently changed the grading system of teachers, removing some groups and adding other new groups in the grading system.

Which means that the old TSC grading system will not be used any more.

In this article, on teacher’s salary in Kenya listed below, we have used the new TSC grading system which includes some new job groups while others were completely removed.

This is the new entry grade for all primary and secondary teachers.

We can all agree that primary and secondary teachers are among the most important people in our society because they play a huge role in nurturing our children as they grow older.

So how much are the people working in one of the most important careers in our society paid per month.

Below is the salary scale for primary and secondary teachers according to their job groups and grading.

Salaries For Primary And Secondary Teachers In Kenya:

  • Chief Principal Salary

Salary Scale: Ksh. 165, 089 (minimum) to Ksh. 200, 928 (maximum)

  • Senior Principal Salary

Salary Scale: Ksh. 143,748 (minimum) to Ksh. 174,270 (maximum)

  • Principal GAT I Salary
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Salary Scale: Ksh. 129,527 (minimum) to Ksh. 155,894 (maximum)

  • Principal GAT II Salary

Salary Scale: Ksh. 80,190 (minimum) to Ksh. 97,290 (maximum)

  • Senior GAT Salary

Salary Scale: Ksh. 69,590 (minimum) to Ksh. 83,840 (maximum)

  • GAT I Salary

Salary Scale:  Ksh. 61,910 (minimum) to Ksh. 71,880 (maximum)

  • GAT II Salary

Salary Scale: Ksh. 46,020 (minimum) to Ksh. 56,590 (maximum)

  • GAT III Salary

Salary Scale: Ksh. 34,662 (minimum) to Ksh. 39,918 (maximum)

  • ATS IV Salary

Salary Scale: Ksh. 28,323 (minimum) to Ksh. 33,662 (maximum)

  • P1 Teacher (B5) Salary

Salary Scale: Ksh. 25,692 (minimum) to Ksh. 30,304 (maximum)

Teachers Salaries Per Grades or Categories:

  • Grade B5 (T-Scale 5)

Primary Educator II

Salary: Ksh.21,756 – Ksh.27,195

  • Grade C1 (T-Scale 6)

Primary Teacher I, Secondary teacher II, and lecturer III.

Salary: Ksh.27,195 – Ksh.33,994

  • Grade C2 (T-Scale 7)

Secondary Educator II, Senior Educator II, Lecturer II, and Special Need Education Educator (for primary schools).

Salary: Ksh.34,955 – Ksh.49,696

  • Grade C3 (T-Scale 8)

Secondary Educator I, Special Need Education Teacher I (for primary schools), Lecturer I, Senior Teacher I, and Special Need Education Educator II (for secondary schools)

Salary: Ksh.43,147 – Ksh.53,943

  • Grade C4 (T-Scale 9)

Senior Master IV, Special Need Education Senior Teacher (for primary schools), Senior Lecturer IV, Deputy Head Educator II and Special Need Education Teacher I (for secondary schools)

Salary: Ksh.52,308

  • Grade C5 (T-Scale 10)

Senior Master III, Deputy Principal IV, Senior Lecturer III, Deputy Head Teacher, Head Educator, and Curriculum Support Officer II.

Salary: Ksh.62,272

  • Grade D1 (T-Scale 11)

Deputy Principal III, Senior Master II, Senior Lecturer II, Curriculum Support Officer I, and Senior Head Educator.

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Salary: Ksh.77,840

  • Grade D2 (T-Scale 12)

Senior Master I and Deputy Principal II.

Salary: Ksh.91,040

  • Grade D3 (T-Scale 13)

Deputy Principal I and Principals Grade.

Salary: Ksh.104,644

  • D4 (T-Scale 14)

Senior Principals Grade D5 (T-Scale 15) – Chief Principals.

Salary: Ksh.118,242 – Ksh.121,890

  • Interns Salary (Graduate Trainee)

On one year of internship (12 months)

  • Primary School Interns

Salary: Ksh. 10,000

  • Secondary Interns

Salary: Ksh. 15,000

Those are the new teachers salary scale after the new TSC and CBA implementation.

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