Adventist University of African Courses Offered (FULL LIST) and Contact

List of Courses Offered

The Adventist University of Africa – courses and contacts

Accredited courses offered at Adventist University of Africa are listed below.

Adventist University of Africa offers all these courses for both new students and the existing students currently enrolled in the institution.

Find the list of courses that are currently available in Adventist University of Africa, for students or candidates who would like to join the institution and pursue their career course.

Here are Masters courses, Degree courses, Diploma courses, Certificate courses, Postgraduate courses, Undergraduate courses, Craft, Artisan courses among others that are currently offered at Adventist University of Africa this academic year.

Below is the list of courses offered at Adventist University of Africa (AUA)

Courses Offered At Adventist University of Africa:

  • Degree Courses:

Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Science(Applied Computer Science)

  • Doctorate Courses:

Ph.D in Study of Religions(Study of Religions)

Doctor of Ministry(Ministry)

Ph.D in Leadership and Governance(Leadership and Governance)

  • Masters Courses:

Master of Arts in Theology(Theology)

Master of Divinity General Studies(General Studies)

Master of Leadership(Leadership)

Master of Public Health

Master of Arts in Institutional Chaplaincy

Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology

Master of Arts in Missiology

Master of Business Administration(MBA)

  • Adventist University of Africa Contacts:

Physical Address: Advent Hill, Ongata Rongai, Magadi Road
Private Bag Mbagathi, 00503 Nairobi,

Location: Ongata Rongai, Kenya

Telephone Number: + 254 733-333-451/452
Email Address: [email protected]


Also Read:  Strathmore University Courses Offered (full list) and Contact
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