20+ Best Strawberry Pick Up Lines 

Strawberry Pick up lines

Strawberries are sweet, and using a strawberry pick up line will even be sweeter.

If you want to use a funny strawberry pick up line, sweet strawberry pick up line, romantic strawberry pick up line and clever pick up lines.

In this article, we have listed down the best pick up lines ever for strawberry fruits.

Here are the best strawberry fruit pick up lines to use today…

Strawberry Pick Up Lines:

Hey girl, you got a sweet tooth and strawberry youth. 

Will you be my strawberry? Because I want to treat you as the fruit from my heart. 

Do you love strawberry ice-cream? Me too, wanna grab some right now?.

Let’s find some beautiful strawberry field and get lost. 

Baby, freedom is doing what you like but happiness is picking strawberries with me. 

I like you like I love my strawberry. 

Nobody owns the world. So, let’s pick some strawberries and explore the world. 

Do you want to learn to enjoy little things that matter? Let’s go out and pick strawberries. 

It’s simply things in life like picking strawberries with me that are most extraordinary. 

A Sunday spent picking strawberries with you would bring a week of content. 

Weeks should end with me and you picking strawberries. 

Don’t be afraid to go out with me and pick strawberries. That’s where real pleasure lies. 

Strawberries are nature’s candy. Will you have some at my place?.

Strawberry fields are the best place you want to go with me. 

I have learnt that happiness is a destination like a strawberry field. Once you find the way in with me, you can never feel unhappy again. 

Baby girl, just keep calm and enjoy a strawberry. 

Let’s live each season as it comes: taste a strawberry and breathe the air. 

Can we go to your place and enjoy strawberry and the great pleasures that come with it?

Having strawberry on my bed will make you realize how sweet and romantic you are. 

There’s nothing in the world that is as beautiful as picking strawberries in my farm.

Brewing strawberries at my place is such a simple thing, but so sweet after all.

These are some of the best fruit (strawberry) Pick up lines, use them as your pick up lines or smooth conversion starters.

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