60+ Best Vampire Pick Up Lines

Vampire pick up lines

Vampire lovers out there will definitely fall in love with these vampire pick up lines we have listed on this article.

From movie Vampires to fantasy Vampires, these are the best, cheesiest, funniest, cutest, sweetest and more vampire pick up lines.

Use these pick-up lines about vampires to flirt with your special someone, especially if they are a fan of vampires.

Vampire Pick Up Lines:

Are you just happy to see me or are those your fangs?

Given a chance, I’ll suck life out of you.

Despite being real devil in the sheets, I’m a vampire in the streets.

You look good enough to be eaten.

You literally look dead sexy.

Either there’s a scab on your arm or you are happy to see me.

Your eyes share on thing in common with my skin; they both sparkle in the sun.

I wish you could join me for a bite.

When he met me, he asked, ‘didn’t I attend your funeral?’

I’d bite you if I were a vampire.

How are you, sweet fang?

I can promise you an eternity since they say diamond is forever.

Kissing your rosebud lips will only be one bite. But if you want another, you can let me hug you.

My favorite twilight movie is: Call me batty, but I think this is love at first bite.

Not really, I’m serious. I turn into an animal in bed.

I’m the best cougar you’ll ever have, just 500 years old.

Do you want to go out for a bite?

There’s a hunger in me that I’ve never felt my whole life.

Let’s make a party because we both suck.

Now that they say my blood is the sweetest, do you want to taste the rest of me?

I prefer the real thing, so I’ll buy you a stake sandwich with a bloody Mary.

If you let me, I’ll show you a bloody good time. Because you sound English.

Let me make your heart beat again.

Would you like to be immortal, for just one night?

I am not going to impale you with a stake. Relax.

Just to get one kiss from you, I’d take a thousand bites.

The way you haunt my dreams, I believe you are a ghost.

You look a little thirsty when you look at me; are you a vampire?

You’ll be seeing three reflections in the mirror if you spend another hour with me.

I would seriously hold it against you if you told me I have a beautiful corpse.

Am I sensing simple lust or bloodlust?

Let’s give the children of the night some competition.

What your sexiness is making me want to whip out is not a crucifix.

Van Helsing wouldn’t kill you because you are so beautiful.

Is it true that lady vampires really know how to suck?

I am tempted to take a thousand bites just to get another kiss from you.

There is room for two in my coffin. Want to come?

What they say about the size of a man’s canine teeth is true.

Do you want to stay up all night with me?

I’ll make you forget Cleopatra. 

You can enter me anytime, you have the permission.

That cape would look nice on the floor near my bed.

You’d be dead by now if you weren’t so prototype.

Your boobs would be double A’s if they were a blood type.

I’d suck you if you were blood.

You’d be my favorite if you were a blood type.

If you were a vampire, we would do some necking.

I not only want to suck your blood but also your toes.

I love girls who have brains but not in the way of a zombie.

I am thinking of sucking the life out of you; maybe I’ll do it tomorrow.

Come join me for a bite.

Your life will suck… with me.

You are so hot that you make my blood boil, like the sun.

You are so beautiful you make my heart stop.

Batty, that’s what you drive me.

Will you turn into a long hard bat for me?

Do you want to know what I turn into past midnight?

My teeth keep thinking about your neck. I wonder what’s wrong with them.

Lasting power means rigor mortis.

I can’t wait to see what you are going to turn into at midnight.

Luckily we aren’t in a horror movie because the prettiest girl always goes first.

There is nothing human left in me.

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