Branch Paybill Number: How To Repay Your Branch Loan Via M-Pesa

Branch Loan App

Here is an easy guide on how you can be able to repay back your Branch Loans through M-Pesa.

Branch Loan has made it easy for their clients to be able to repay their loan through mobile money, MPESA.

Branch Loan App has a Paybill number which you can use to easily repay your loan from Branch.

Follow the steps below to quickly repay your loan today.

How To Repay Branch Loan Using M-Pesa:

  • Open Mpesa menu
  • Select Lipa na M-PESA
  • Select the Paybill option
  • Enter the Paybill Number as:

(998608 is the Branch Paybill Number, in Kenya)

  • For account number, enter the M-Pesa Number on which you received the Branch Loan at
  • Enter the amount of money you want to use, to repay your Branch loan
  • Enter your M-PESA PIN and confirm the transaction

The money will be transferred to Branch to repay your loan.

You should also receive a confirmation text message from both M-Pesa and Branch.

By any chance your Branch loan repayment doesn’t reflect after a few hours, we recommend that you send the Mpesa Transaction ID (SMS) and the Phone number you used to make the loan repayment to Branch Customer Care.

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