CRB Offices, Locations, Phone Numbers and Contact Details In Kenya

CRB Kenya

Want to contact and get in touch with CRB in Kenya today?.

Here is the easiest way to contact CRB through the contact information provided in this article.

We have included, CRB Offices and Their Locations in Kenya, CRB mobile phone numbers and fax, CRB email addresses and other contact details that should help you contact CRB.

CRB services are all offered at the offices listed below, and you can also call in to confirm everything before visiting the CRB office that is near you.

Whether you want to contact CRB or visit their offices for services such as CRB registration, Credit report, CRB account update or CRB Clearance Certificate Application.

All these services among other important ones are provided at the office.

As you might know, CRB has a couple of agents country wide.

These CRB agents can as well offer all the services offered at CRB offices, which means that you can also contact CRB agents near you and get offered all the services that you’d have gotten from the officials of CRB.

Some of them include Credit Info, Metropol and TransUnion. They are all reliable CRB providers in Kenya.

With that said, below are all the contact information to easily get in touch with CRB representatives today.

CRB Contact Details In Kenya:

Here are CRB Offices, Phone Numbers and Contacts Details In Kenya;

  • Metropol CRB Contacts

Use the mobile numbers provided below to contact Metropol CRB Representatives today.

Metropol CRB Phone Numbers:





The Head Office Location of Metropol CRB is at Nairobi.

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Physical Location: Barclays Plaza, 9th floor, Nairobi.

They also have agents that can offer the same services.

  • TransUnion CRB Contacts

Use the mobile numbers provided below to get in touch with TransUnion CRB Representatives today.

TransUnion CRB Phone Number:

+254 768262495

+254 768617074

+254 768253748­

+254 20 760 3700/701/705/752.

The TransUnion Head Office is located in Nairobi.

Physical Location: Delta Annex, 2nd Floor, Ring road, Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya

They also have agents that can offer the same services.

  • Credit Info CRB Contacts

To contact a Credit Info CRB Representative, simply use the phone numbers provided below or visit the offices in Nairobi.

Credit Info CRB Phone Numbers:

+254 709 593 000


The Credit Info CRB is located in Nairobi City.

Physical Location: 1st Floor, Standard Chartered Building, 48 Westlands Road, Nairobi.

Address: P.O Box 38941-00623 Parklands, Nairobi

They also have agents that can offer the same services.

It is highly recommended to contact (call in) these offices during the early morning hours around 9AM to 11AM because that’s the time they are not too busy and they might answer your calls almost immediately.

Remember to only call or visit the CRB office on weekdays only from 8:30AM.

Those are the offices that CRB has plus they also have agents distributed in major cities and counties and they all offer the same service.

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