20+ Best Duck Pick Up Lines

Duck pick up lines

Duck pick up lines are found on this article, if you are in search of the best and most relatable duck pick up lines.

Below is a list of more than 20 amazing pick up lines about duck to use for flirting with someone you like romantically.

Duck Pick Up Lines:

There would be nothing sweeter than feasting upon the bones of my enemies because they believed I would not win your heart. 

Jumping out of a window that is five hundred feet above the ground won’t be fun, but I am willing to do it flapping my wings like a duck when I win your heart. 

Like a duck that works very hard inside the water but puts on a smiling and calm face, I want to win your heart secretly. 

I prefer to suffer as much as a duck but to win your heart in the end. 

I thought ducks are the only things that work very hard and are smart. That has changed when I met you. 

They say duck love is recognizable in any language. Will you make this love be duck love?

If you were a duck, you would jump into making a decision to love me. 

Will you bathe with me tonight?

Would you mind taking me under your wings and let me feel the scent of a duck sauce?

If I were a duck I would waddle about so that you could tell me I am lovely. 

I would like to see your drawing of a duck because then I can draw a plan of getting to your heart. 

How about we go my place and see who can eat the most dump-lings in the shortest time? If you win I am spending at your place. 

Also Read:  30+ Best Pick Up Lines In Tanzania (Kiswahili & English)
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