All Eastmatt Supermarkets Branches and Contacts In Kenya

Eastmatt Supermarket branches in Kenya

Here is the list of all Eastmatt Supermarket brands in the country and each supermarket branch contact details and physical locations.

The Eastmatt Supermarket started as a family business in Mau Narok, since then, they have since grown into a supermarket chain on a mission to ensure that all their customers Save More and Live Better Lives!.

As of today, there are 10 Eastmatt Supermarket chains in Kenya distributed in different parts of the country but mostly in Nairobi.

How do I register for a Eastmatt Loyalty card?.

To register for a Loyalty card please visit the customer care branch at your nearest Eastmatt branch with your ID & Phone.

With that being said, below is the list of all Eastmatt branches in Kenya including their physical supermarket locations and contact information.

Eastmatt Supermarket Branches:

1. Eastmatt Supermarket Kitengela Branch

Supermarket Location: Along Kitengela-Namanga Road.

Contact: 020 388 2137.

Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday: 6:30 am- 10:00 pm.

Sundays/Holidays: 8:00 am- 10:00 pm.

2. Eastmatt Supermarket Kajiado Branch

Physical Location: Kajiado Town.

Contact: 020 676 9995.

Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday: 6:30 am- 10:00 pm.

Sundays/Holidays: 8:00 am- 9:30 pm.

3. Eastmatt Mwea Branch

Location: Kerugoya B6, Mwea.

Contact: 020 210 2845.

Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday: 6:30 am- 10:00 pm.

Sundays/Holidays: 8:00 am- 9:30 pm.

4. Eastmatt Mwea Merica Branch

Supermarket Location: Wang’uru, Mwea.

Contact: 020 8000 592.

Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday: 6:15 am- 10:00 pm.

Sundays/Holidays: 7:45 am- 9:30 pm.

5. Eastmatt Supermarket Eastleigh Branch

Location: Eastleigh Section 3, 19th Street.

Contact: 0775 244 662.

Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday: 6:45 am- 9:45 pm.

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Sundays/Holidays: 8:00 am- 9:30pm.

6. Eastmatt River Road Branch

Location: River Road, CBD.

Contact: 020 8000 742.

Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday: 6:30 am- 9:30 pm.

Sundays/Holidays: 8:00 am- 8:30 pm.

7. Eastmatt Supermarket Mfangano Branch

Location: Mfangano Street, CBD.

Contact: 066 232 4503.

Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday: 6:30 am- 10:00 pm.

Sundays/Holidays: 8:00 am- 9:30 pm.

8. Eastmatt Tom Mboya Branch

Location: Tom Mboya Street, CBD.

Contact: 020 234 8406.

Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday: 6:30 am- 10:00 pm.

Sundays/Holidays: 8:00 am- 9:30 pm.

9. Eastmatt Supermarket Gilgil Branch

Physical Location: Gilgil Town.

Contact: 020 202 0847.

Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday: 6:15 am- 10:00 pm.

Sundays/Holidays: 8:00 am- 9:30 pm.

10. Eastmatt Supermarket Tala Branch

Supermarket Location: Kangundo Road, Tala Town.

Contact: 020 8000 749.

Opening Hours

Monday-Saturday: 6:30 am- 10:00 pm.

Sundays/Holidays: 8:00 am- 9:30 pm.

Eastmatt Kenya Supermarkets Contacts:

Head Office Location: Lokitaung Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi.

Call: +254 20 530452

Phone Number: 020 530 452.

Email Address: [email protected].

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