List Of All 47 Kenyan Counties In Alphabetical Order

Counties In Kenya Alphabetically listed

Kenya currently has 47 active counties in the region, in this article, we have listed down all the counties in Kenya, in their respective alphabetical order.

Before getting started, here are a couple of quick facts about Kenyan Counties today.

  • The counties of Kenya are geographical units envisioned by the 2010 Constitution of Kenya as the units of devolved government.
  • The powers are provided in Articles 191 and 192, and in the fourth schedule of the Constitution of Kenya and the County Governments Act of 2012.
  • The counties are also single-member constituencies for the election of members of parliament to the Senate of Kenya and special women members of parliament to the National Assembly of Kenya.
  • Currently, Nairobi County is considered the wealthiest County in Kenya today while Turkana and Mandera being the poorest in the country.
  • Nairobi County which is the Capital City of Kenya tops the list as the most populated county in Kenya.

Those are just quick facts about counties in Kenya that we thought would be helpful to you.

With that being said, below are the counties in Kenya today, ranked alphabetically.

List Of All Counties In Kenya Alphabetically:

  1. Baringo County
  2. Bomet County
  3. Bungoma County
  4. Busia County
  5. Elgeyo Marakwet County
  6. Embu County
  7. Garissa County
  8. Homa Bay County
  9. Isiolo County
  10. Kajiado County
  11. Kakamega County
  12. Kericho County
  13. Kiambu County
  14. Kilifi County
  15. Kirinyaga County
  16. Kisii County
  17. Kisumu County
  18. Kitui County
  19. Kwale County
  20. Laikipia County
  21. Lamu County
  22. Machakos County
  23. Makueni County
  24. Mandera County
  25. Meru County
  26. Migori County
  27. Marsabit County
  28. Mombasa County
  29. Muranga County
  30. Nairobi County
  31. Nakuru County
  32. Nandi County
  33. Narok County
  34. Nyamira County
  35. Nyandarua County
  36. Nyeri County
  37. Samburu County
  38. Siaya County
  39. Taita Taveta County
  40. Tana River County
  41. Tharaka Nithi County
  42. Trans Nzoia County
  43. Turkana County
  44. Uasin Gishu County
  45. Vihiga County
  46. Wajir County
  47. West Pokot County
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These are all the 47 counties in the Republic of Kenya listed down in an alphabetical order.

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