List Of All 36 Nigerian States, Capital and Their Slogans 2025

Nigerian state slogans

Here is the list of all the states in Nigeria today, their state slogans and each state’s capital.

Nigeria is a federation of 36 states and 1 federal capital territory. Each of the 36 states is a semi-autonomous political unit that shares powers with the federal government as enumerated under the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

In Nigeria each state is subdivided into local government areas (LGAs). There are 774 local governments in the country.

Under the Nigerian constitution, the 36 states are co-equal but not supreme because sovereignty resides with the federal government.

Out of all the 36 states in Nigeria, Lagos is the smallest state in Nigeria with a land size of only 3,345 square kilometers.

The state is also one of the most populated Nigerian states with over 10,000,000 residents.

Lagos state is located in the southwestern geopolitical zone of Nigeria.

On the other hand, the Niger State which is situated in Central Nigeria is currently the largest state in Nigeria by land mass, occupying a space of 76,363 square kilometers.

With that being said, below is the list of Nigerian state slogans, capital and the 36 states in the country.

State And Capital In Nigeria and Their Slogans:

1. AbiaUmahiaGod’s Own State
2. AdamawaYolaLand of Beauty
3. Akwa IbomUyoLand of Promise
4. AnambraAwkaLight of the Nation
5. BauchiBauchiPearl of Tourism
6. BayelsaYenagoaGlory of all lands
7. BenueMakurdiFood Basket of the Nation
8. BornoMaiduguriHome of Peace
9. Cross RiverCalabarThe People’s Paradise
10. DeltaAsabaThe Big Heart Ifeanyi Okowa
11. EbonyiAbakalikiSalt of the Nation
12. EdoBenin CityHeart Beat of Nigeria
13. EkitiAdo – EkitiLand of Honour and Integrity
14. EnuguEnuguCoal City State
15. GombeGombeJewel in the Savannah
16. ImoOwerriEastern Heartland
17. JigawaDutseThe New World
18. KadunaKadunaCentre of Learning
19. KanoKanoCentre of Commerce
20. KatsinaKatsinaHome of Hospitality
21. KebbiBirnin KebbiLand of Equity
23. KwaraIlorinState of Harmony
24. LagosIkejaCentre of Excellence
25. NasarawaLafiaHome of Solid Minerals
26. NigerMinnaThe Power State
27. OgunAbeokutaGateway State
28. OndoAkureThe Sunshine State
29. OsunOshogboLand of Virtue
30 OyoIbadanPaceSetter State
31. PlateauJosHome of Peace and Tourism
32. RiversPort HarcourtTreasure Base of the Nation
33. SokotoSokotoSeat of the Caliphate
34. TarabaJalingoNature’s Gift to the Nation
35. YobeDamaturuPride of the Sahel
36. ZamfaraGusauFarming is Our Pride
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