Partnership Company Registration Requirements In Kenya 2023

Company Registration

Are you thinking of starting a company in Kenya? If you’d like to start a Partnership Company in Kenya, there are certain requirements that you need to meet in order to successfully register a company in Kenya this year.

In this article, we have provided you with 10 Requirements that anyone who wants to start a partnership company in Kenya needs to meet.

For your application to be accepted by the Registrar of Companies. Here are all the requirements you and your business partner need in order to register a business, a partnership company.

Company Registration Requirements In Kenya:

– Name of the Business – You need to provide a unique name of your business.

  • Nature of the business
  • Provide an Address of the place of company, this includes;

The Plot Number

Street Name/Road

Name of the building where the business is located

  • The business Postal Address
  • The Address of other places of your business, such as business’ branches
  • Your business Partner Information which includes;

Their Full names

Their Nationality

Their Gender

Their Place of Residence

Their Professional Occupation

Their Age

  • Your Signature on the Application Form is required
  • A Copy of ID or Passport for each of the business partner
  • A Copy of KRA PIN Certificate for each partner
  • A Passport Photo for each business partner

You will need all the above documents in order to register a company in Kenya, a partnership company to be specific.

Without any single document/requirements from the above list, we are afraid you won’t be able to successfully register your company in the country.

Also Read:  List of Hospitals that will offer COVID-19 vaccine in Kenya
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