Top 10 Best Transport and Logistics Companies In Mombasa Kenya

Container logistics transportation

What are the best transport and logistics companies in Mombasa today?.

Here are the top 10 best logistics and transport companies currently operating in Mombasa County, Kenya today. We have also included bonus companies.

The coastal region of Mombasa heavily rely on Transport and Logistics companies and so does the economy of Kenya.

These companies create a lot of job opportunities for thousands of people around Mombasa and Kenya in general.

With that said, below is the list of the top Transport and Logistics companies that are available in Mombasa and offer all the services including international outsourcing services.

The companies listed below have been operating in Kenya for a long time and have all the necessary experience and skills to do a great job in almost every sector including/ Sea transportation to road transportation to railway transportation, you name it.

Below are the 10 best transport and logistics companies in Mombasa Kenya (with bonus) that guarantee to offer you a good service.

The Transports And Logistics Companies Listed below offer great services in sectors such as;

Cargo Transportation Services

Clearing and Forwarding services

Containers Transportation (large, medium and small size containers)

Freight Services

Forwarding Services

Ocean Freight Services

Air Freight Services

International Freight Delivery Services among others.

Best Transport and Logistics Companies In Mombasa:

1. Agility Kenya

Agility Kenya transport and logistics company in Mombasa has been in operation for a long time now.

They work with both international and local businesses and has a good reputation in the transport and logistics industry.

To contact the company, use the contact information provided below.


Physical Location: 5th Floor, BP Plaza, Nyali, Mombasa

2. Acceler Global Logistics

Acceler Global Logistics company is among the top best logistics companies available in Mombasa Kenya, they offer various transport and logistics services

To contact the company, use the following contact information below.

Physical Location: Off Moi Avenue, Mombasa.

Email Address: [email protected].

Phone Number: +254 4123 11992.

3. Sasa Logistics

Sasa Logistics is also another well established transport and logistics company in the country.

The private company Sasa Logistics is among the best companies in the industry.

To contact the company, use the contact information provided below.

Physical Location: The Head Office is a few minutes from Port Reitz.

4. East Global Logistics

The East Global Logistics company in Mombasa offers one of the best services in the industry of transport and logistics.

All their clients seem to enjoy their services so far.

To get in touch with the company, use the contact information provided below.

Physical Location: Seaview Plaza, 3rd Floor, Mama Ngina Drive, Mombasa

5. SGR (Standard Gauge Railway)

The Standard Gauge Railway commonly referred to as SGR is the new and most digital oriented logistics and transportation company in Mombasa Kenya.

It is actually among the most preferred transportation company by Kenyans these days.

6. Freight Forwarders Kenya

The Freight Forwarders Kenya Ltd Company offers various services in the industry and it is among the top companies when it comes to client or customer loyalty.

7. United Warehouse Limited

The United Warehouse Limited transport and logistics companies is another dedicated logistics company in Mombasa today.

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It offers all the services that you need and it is among the most experienced companies in the coastal region.

To get in touch with the company, use the contact information provided below.

Physical Location: Mashundu Street, Shimanzi, Mombasa County.

8. Bertling Logistics

Bertling Logistics is another trusted transport and logistics company in Kenya which has been operating in Mombasa Kenya for over a decade now.

To contact the company, use the contact information provided below.

Physical Location: Rockwall Plaza, 1st Floor, Links Road, Mombasa.

9. Buzeki Logistics limited

Buzeki Logistics companies offers all the services that you are looking for in a logistics company.

They are always on the move of improving their services and you can tell after working with them.

To contact the company, use the contact information provided below.

Physical Location: The Head Office is a few minutes Mariakani, Mombasa.

10. Kenfreight Group

Kenfright Group just like the name itself, they are experts in freight services in the Mombasa Kenya and other East African countries.

It has a good reputation in the industry not only in Kenya but also in countries like Uganda and Tanzania just to name a few.


11. Firstlane Logistics

The Firstlane logistics offers excellent and quality services not mentioning the team of professional working at the company.

To contact the logistics company, use the contact information provided below.

Physical Location: Near NSSF Building, Nkuruma Road.

Those are the top 10 best logistics companies in Kenya. They are NOT listed in any particular order.

If you are looking for any services in the Transport and Logistics department, please contact any of the above listed companies.

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