20+ Best Call of Duty Pick Up Lines

Looking for the best call of duty game pick up lines?.
Look no further… These are currently the best and most trendy call of duty pick up lines for all Call Of Duty lovers.
When it comes to games pick up lines, in this case, Call Of Duty, below are the best pick up lines.
Call Of Duty Pick Up Lines:
I only spare my time for call of duty and you.
As much as I long to play call of duty, I would rather spend that time with you.
Will you be the first blood in my call of duty?
Online games made me this wise. Will you play with me?
I don’t mind being seen with you because we both love call of duty.
You sure have the ability to turn my cold blooded heart into a warm one.
Don’t be offended that I am so persistent, because I want to legendary in call of duty and in your heart.
I last long in call of duty and I believe I should last longer in you.
How about we end this online game and have a private match with you?
I want to play online games with you because it means being with you.
I don’t mind if I lose in this game because I am sure I am going to win your heart.
Would you give me a call of duty to spend sometime with you?
Could something be wrong with my auto-aim because my eyes can get off you.
It’s funny that whenever I press select during my online game you are always
on top of my list.
Winning this game was absolutely difficult. I am hoping that winning your heart won’t be as difficult.
You will always be my priority like call of duty.
If you want to play a game tonight, please join me because I will destroy you in a good way.
How about we spend a night together now that we both love call of duty.
Whenever I am not playing online games, you are always on top of my list.