30+ Best Chess Pick Up Lines

Chess game pick up lines that will definitely get you the attention of the person you want to flirt with, are all found on this article.
If you are looking for chess pick up lines, then you are in the right place, these are not your basic pick up lines.
Below is the list of nothing but the best chess game pick up lines, that include from funny chess games pick up lines to dirty pick up lines, cheesy pick up lines.
Chess Pick Up Lines:
Do you play chess? Because I want to build a relationship with someone nice, beautiful and old fashioned.
Will you be my queen? Because I want to be your white knight.
Your bedroom or mine? I want to play chess with you all night.
If you be my queen you will mate with me with your knight moves.
Will you come with me to see my pawn collection?
Are you a queen? Because honestly for the whole night I have been trying to skewer you.
Would you hold you against me if I pinned your rook?.
Would you mind playing chess with me?
I’m told the merits of chess are in the fairer gender. So will you be mine and play chess with me everybody? Because the benefits will be all yours.
You just accelerated my dragon. I hope it doesn’t get hyper-accelerated because I hate seeing a doctor.
The reason I want to date you is because chess players know how to mate perfectly.
It is coincidence that we both play chess. How about we go to my place and see you win?
I like so much because you are a chess nut.
If playing chess in the middle of the road with you is criminal then I want to commit that crime so that I can be locked with you in a room.
Chess is like real life because the king can only take a step at a time while the queen can do as she pleases. Will you be my queen?
If I were the king I would put my rook in your open file.
Hey girl, will you hold it against me if I promote my little pawn on your back rack?
I want to make this be a knight to remember.
Hey girl, I would love to mate you.
If you were my queen, I would mate you anytime of the day.
So you play chess Ms Cool? How about we play a game together?
Would you love to castle queenside or kingside?
I prefer a woman who is a chess player. Will you be mine?
I was worried when I lost my queen in the last game but I am glad I have just found her.
If my rook was hanging would you take it?