List of All Government Agencies In Kenya 2023

Government of Kenya (GoK)

A list of all the government agencies in Kenya –
list of all Government Agencies in Kenya.

Kenya administers a number of government and state agencies in the country that are responsible for the oversight and administration of their specific functions in the country such as economic, security managerial functions among others.

In Kenya, the Government Agencies have employed the highest number of employees in the country, giving the highest number of job opportunities to Kenyans.

The Government Agencies are the most respected for the huge work they do.

We have listed all the government agencies in Kenya, some of them are popular enough to be recognized by a normal mwananchi (A Kenyan).

Here is the list of GoK agencies in the country.

Government Agencies in Kenya:

National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF)

Kenya Airports Authority (KAA)

Attorney General of Kenya

Kenya Civil Aviation Authority

Central Bank of Kenya

Capital Markets Authority of Kenya

Betting Control and Licensing Board

Insurance Regulatory Authority (Kenya)

Retirement Benefits Authority of Kenya

Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority

Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution

Commission on Administrative Justice

Commission on Revenue Allocation

Commissions and Independent Offices of Kenya

Communications Authority of Kenya

Kenya National Disaster Operation Centre

Kenya Economic Stimulus Program

Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board

National Environment Management Authority of Kenya

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission

Export Promotion Council

Kenya Film Classification Board.

Kenya National Disaster Operation Centre

Kenya Economic Stimulus Program

Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board

National Environment Management Authority of Kenya

Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission

Export Promotion Council.

Kenya Film Classification Board

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Kenya National Commission on Human Rights.Information and Communication Technology Authority (Kenya)

Judicial Service Commission (Kenya)

Local authorities of Kenya

Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Services

Kenya Army

Kenya Defence Forces

National Cohesion and Integration Commission

National Intelligence Service (Kenya)

National Land Commission

National Police Service Commission

National Social Security Fund (Kenya)

National Youth Service (Kenya)

Kenya Navy

Office of the Auditor-General (Kenya)

Office of the Controller of Budget (Kenya)

Parliamentary Service Commission

Permanent Presidential Commission on Soil Conservation and Afforestation

Permanent Presidential Music Commission

Kenya Ports Authority

Kenya Wildlife Service

Public Service Commission (Kenya)

Parliamentary Service Commission

Permanent Presidential Commission on Soil Conservation and Afforestation

Permanent Presidential Music Commission

Kenya Ports Authority

Public Service Commission (Kenya)

Kenya Revenue Authority

Registrar of Trade UnionSalaries and Remuneration CommissionTeachers Service Commission

Waki Commission

Commission for University Education

You have probably heard about some of the government (GoK) agencies mentioned above because some of them are more popular to Kenyans than others.

There you have it – list of government agencies in Kenya.

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