20+ Best Guitar Pick Up Lines

Apart from making amazing music, Guitars can also make very good pick up lines that actually work.
If you are a musician or the person you are going to use these pick-up lines on is a musician, guitar lover/player or basically an artist.
Then these pick up lines will definitely work where Guitars are in the midst.
With that being said, below are the best guitar pick up lines to flirt with today.
Guitar Pick Up Lines:
Baby girllll… Let’s play some soft guitar together.
My guitar isn’t the only thing I’m strumming tonight.
I lost my job as a guitarist but that
doesn’t mean that I’m poor at fingering the G-string.
I’d like to tap you like my guitar string.
Come sit on my n*t, I will finger you all the time.
My guitar trainer has always lauded my fingering ability especially on the G-string.
Can I finger your fret board?
How about you and your friend play a trio on me?.
You deserve some strumming on your G-string.
I am a guitarist; can I strum your G-string?
Hey, when I mention the word G-string would you get interested in me?
Hey girl, I can only play when your
G-string is sitting securely on my nut.
If you were mine, I would run my
fingers up and down your G-string all day.
I’m at great at fingering my guitar, maybe it reflects what I can do for you.
Baby girl, let me be your guitar so that you can plug me in and turn me on.
I’m a guitar player, because real men use their fingers.