HELB Loan: How To Easily Apply For HELB As A First Time Applicant


How can I apply for HELB Loan as a first time applicant?.

Here is an easy step by step guide on how you can be able to apply for Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) today and receive your education loan.

Whether you are in a university or a college in Kenya, you can still apply for the higher education loans board (HELB) to pay for your school fees and potentially receive extra money for other purposes other than fees, such as buying books, pocket money among other things that are supposed to help you academically.

What is HELB Loan?

HELB – Higher Education Loans Board is a regulated program by the Government of Kenya that offers loans to students in Kenya, who are enrolled or enrolling in a Kenyan university or a college.

With that said, here are the requirements that you need to meet before qualifying for a helb loan.

You are required to meet these requirements, or be in possession of certain documents to start your HELB loan online application process, to be able to receive your loan.

HELB Loan Application Requments:

As a helb loan first time applicant, you are required to meet the requirements and have the documents listed below to apply for your HELB loan smoothly.

These documents include;

Your National ID

A Bank Account


Your KCSE or KCPE Results Slip/certificate

An active Email address

Guarantors – Details of  Two guarantors (ID included)

3 Passport Photos (colored)

Your Parents National ID photocopy

Or Parent/s Death Certificate (if one or both parents are deceased)

When you are in possession of all the required documents listed above, it’s time to apply for your HELB loan.

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Here is how to easily apply for HELB LOAN.

First Time HELB Loan Application Process:

Below is the HELB Loan Application Procedure for students applying helb for the very first time (first time applicants);

  • Visit the HELB Portal/Website
  • Once on the website, go ahead and click on Create Account to create your new HELB Account
  • Create your helb account by filling out all the required information correctly and logging to your helb account
  • Once logged in, select your appropriate First Time Undergraduate Loan Application to continue
  • Make sure to fill out the form correctly including your full name, parents, school (College or University) and other personal information
  • Once done with the process, reread your application and confirm that you provided the correct information and press Submit once you are done confirming
  • After submitting the form, you can now go ahead and download the HELB Form and print it out as hard copy (Two Copies per form)
  • The next step to get the printed copies signed where necessary by the respective as indicated on the HELB form.
  • Once both of the copies are signed, keep one of the copies and submit one copy to the nearest, HELB Office, Huduma Center or your School, some school can take care of the rest after getting the copy signed.

Ask your school secretary where to submit your helb form after it’s completely done.

That’s basically it, you have now successfully applied for Helb loan and you should expect helb to contact you through text message, letting you know whether your loan has been released.

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Here are some of the FAQ about HELB Loan that would be helpful for you to know.


Do I really qualify for a HELB Loan?

Yes, any student in Kenya is qualified for a HELB loan from the government.

Will I pay back my HELB Loan?

Because HELB is meant to help out every student in Kenya who needs a loan for their education, you are required to repay your loan to make it possible for students joining colleges and universities after you to be able to apply and receive their helb loans as well.

How much will I receive from HELB loan?

According to the Board, a student enrolled in a college or university is qualified for a helb loan not exceeding Ksh. 50,000 per year.

Which means you can expect Ksh. 50,000 from HELB your first year of school, and Ksh. 4,000 to 8,000 sent directly to your Bank Account.

How do I check my HELB Loan Application Status?

There are several ways to check your helb loan status, they include;

Visiting the HELB website and logging in with your details

Sending an email with your details requesting for your loan statement (contactcentre@helb.co.ke.)

Getting in touch with helb loan representatives via phone call (0722052000)

Emailing HELB here; contactcentre@helb.co.ke

When are HELB Loan released?

HELB Loans are generally released to each student before the new academic year begins.

How do I reply my HELB Loan?

Repay HELB Loan Via M-PESA:

Open Safaricom SIM Tool Kit

Select M-PESA

Select Lipa na M-PESA

Select the PayBill option

Enter Business Number as: 200800 

(200800 is the HELB Paybill Number in Kenya)

Also Read:  How To Repay HELB Loan Via M-PESA PayBill Number

For Account Number, enter your  National ID Number

Enter the Amount of money to repay HELB Loan

Enter your M-PESA PIN

Use the M-PESA HAKIKISHA, to confirm that all the details you have provided are correct.

You will receive a confirmation SMS from both M-PESA and HELB.

Remember that it will take up to 72 hours (3 days) for HELB to update your payment information on your account.

You can also make your loan repayment through your bank;

HELB Bank Account Numbers;

Equity Bank

A/C No. 055 029 357 3408

Absa Bank

A/C No. 077 501 8216

Standard Chartered Bank

A/C No. 010 801 826 4700

Co-Operative Bank

A/C No. 011-2906 122 2800


A/C No. 300 040012

KCB Bank

A/C No. 1103266 314

National Bank

A/C No. 0100016 139 1100

That’s how a new student joining a university or a college in Kenya can apply and get their helb loan to pursue their careers smoothly without worrying about school fees.

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