How To Repay HELB Loan Via M-PESA PayBill Number


Here is an easy guide on how you can be able to repay back your HELB loan through mobile money, MPESA.

To avoid any future issues or risking being listed in the CRB, Here is exactly how to pay back your HELB loan today.

Follow the steps below to repay your loan from HELB using MPESA easily.

Repay HELB Loan Via M-PESA:

  • Open Safaricom SIM Tool Kit
  • Select M-PESA
  • Select Lipa na M-PESA
  • Select the PayBill option
  • Enter Business Number as: 200800 

(200800 is the HELB Paybill Number in Kenya)

  • For Account Number, enter your  National ID Number
  • Enter the Amount of money to repay HELB Loan
  • Enter your M-PESA PIN

Use the M-PESA HAKIKISHA, to confirm that all the details you have provided are correct.

You will receive a confirmation SMS from both M-PESA and HELB.

Remember that it will take up to 72 hours (3 days) for HELB to update your payment information on your account.

There should be no problem while paying back your HELB LOAN through their Paybill Number, but if you happen to face any issues, kindly get in touch with Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) through the contact information provided below.

HELB Customer Care:


0711 052 000

HELB Email:

Also Read:  HELB Loan: How To Easily Apply For HELB As A First Time Applicant
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