Top 10 Most Livable Cities In The United States 2022

Most livable American cities

What’s the most livable city in America?.

Considering facts such as low crime rate, predictable weather, job opportunities, diversity, affordable housing, healthcare etc.

These are the top 10 cities in the United States of America that are the most livable.

Whether you are an American citizen or not, these cities still take the first 10 position as the most livable places in the US.

With that being said, with no further ado, we present to you the list of the most livable American cities.

The cities below are ranked in no particular order.

America’s Most Livable Cities:

  1. Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN
  2. San Francisco, CA
  3. Portland, OR
  4. Seattle, WA
  5. Raleigh & Durham, NC
  6. Austin, TX
  7. Denver, CO
  8. Colorado Springs, CO
  9. Fayetteville, AR
  10. Des Moines, IA
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