Pink Ladies Drama Series On Rembo TV (Startimes Kenya) Cast and Details
Pink Ladies is a new Kenyan drama series that features some of the most talented young female actresses in Kenya.
The series named Pink Ladies airs on Rembo TV – a Startimes Kenya channel, every day from Monday to Friday at 8:00PM to 8:30PM East African Time. channel number 113 or 484.
Pink Ladies Rembo TV Actors:
- Dorea Chege as Anne
- Azziad Nasenya as Cecilia
- Shix Kapienga as Trizah
- Wanjiku Waweru as Sophie
- Pascal Tokodi as Charlie
- Ali Shahibu as Assuu
These are the top cast and starings of the new show on Startimes – Pink Ladies.
Pink Ladies revolves around four single women who find themselves navigating the complexities of life, friendship, relationships, career and finances.