Pink Ladies Drama Series On Rembo TV (Startimes Kenya) Cast and Details

Pink ladies Rembo tv cast

Pink Ladies is a new Kenyan drama series that features some of the most talented young female actresses in Kenya.

The series named Pink Ladies airs on Rembo TV – a Startimes Kenya channel, every day from Monday to Friday at 8:00PM to 8:30PM East African Time. channel number 113 or 484.

Pink Ladies Rembo TV Actors:

  1. Dorea Chege as Anne
  2. Azziad Nasenya as Cecilia
  3. Shix Kapienga as Trizah
  4. Wanjiku Waweru as Sophie
  5. Pascal Tokodi as Charlie
  6. Ali Shahibu as Assuu

These are the top cast and starings of the new show on Startimes – Pink Ladies.

Pink Ladies revolves around four single women who find themselves navigating the complexities of life, friendship, relationships, career and finances.

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