List Of All Sub Counties In Bomet County 2024

Bomet County Sub-Counties

Here is the list of the names of all the Sub-Counties found in Bomet County.

Bomet County is located in the former Rift Valley Province bordering Kericho County to the North and North East; Narok County to the South East, South, and South West; Nakuru County to the East and Nyamira County to the North West.

Headquarters: Bomet Town

Consituencies: Sotik; Chepalungu; Bomet East; Bomet Central and Konoin

Major Towns: Bomet, Sotik, Konoin and Kaplong

Other Towns: Chemaner, Kaitet Ranch, Kamugeno, Kaptebengwet, Longisa, Ndamichoni, Ndanai, Sigor and Siongiroi

Below are the 4 sub counties that are found in Bomet today.

Bomet County Sub-Counties:

  1. Sotik
  2. Bomet Central
  3. Bomet East
  4. Chepalungu
  5. Konoin
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