Potterhouse School Runda, Fees Structure, Location and Contacts

Potterhouse school runda

Petterhouse school which is located in Runda is one of the best kenyan schools that follow an adapted form of the British National Curriculum.

This means that throughout the Primary School up to and including Year Eight students study the set national curriculum subjects, including Mathematics, English, Science, Geography, History, Art, Physical Education, Music, a modern Foreign Language and ICT.

At Potterhouse students have the option to study two languages in addition to English. These are French and Kiswahili.

They teach Physics, Chemistry and Biology as separate subjects to IGCSE, whereas in the UK some schools offer a combined science course.

Most students who join Potterhouse from the Kenyan system do so after their KCPE.

Students joining the school after KCPE would typically enter Year 9 depending on their KCPE total marks.

Below are the fees and the amount of money you will pay as a parent or a guardian who wishes to take their child/children to Potterhouse School.

Potterhouse School Fees Structure:

ClassTuition Fees Per term
​​Year 1​​161,300
​​Year 2168,610
​​Year 3179,000
​​Year 4179,000
​​Year 5191,300
​​Year 6191,300
​​Year 7232,310
​Year 8​232,310
​​Year 9252,830
Year 10252,830
Year 11​​395,600 (billed twice per academic year )

Lunch Prices:

​​Lunch Fees per term
​Peach – Year 2​​ 19,690
​Year 3 – 6​21,890
​Year 7 – 923,100
Year 10 – 11​24,310
Fees Per Class
ClassCaution Fees
​​Year 1​​20,500
​​Year 2​​21,500
​​Year 3​​22,000
​​Year 4​​22,000
​​Year 5​​23,500
​​Year 6​​23,500
​Year 7​​29,000
​Year 8​​29,000
​Year 9​31,5000
​Year 10​31,500
​Year 11​49,000

Extra Charges include:

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Registration Fee: 11,500 average

Medical Emergency: 4,500 (Per Year)

Horse Rides: Ksh 1,800 per term

Activity Fees: Ksh 1,800 per term

Clubs: Ksh 10,500 per term

Please note that these prices/fees might slightly change. Contact information provided below to make confirmation of sot

Potterhouse School Contacts:

P.O. BOX 950, Runda Nairobi, Potterhouse School and Kindergarten

[email protected]

Physical address: Runda Estate, Runda Road Off Ruaka Road

(+254) 722 25 25 51

(+254) 733 798 546

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