Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Entry Fees, Location and Contacts In Kenya

Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Kenya

How much will it cost you to visit the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Orphanage in Kenya? Find out today and many more information for you to be ready and prepared to enjoy this magnificent elephant orphanage.

As one of Africa’s oldest wildlife charities and a leading conservation organisation, the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (SWT) embraces all measures that complement the conservation, preservation and protection of wildlife.

Born from one family’s passion for Kenya and its wilderness, the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust was established 45 years ago and is best known for its Orphans’ Project, the first and most successful elephant orphan rescue and rehabilitation program in the world.

The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is a pioneering conservation organisation, dedicated to the protection of wildlife and the preservation of habitats in East Africa.

Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Nursery Location:

The SWT is located in Nairobi National Park. Access to the orphanage is via the KWS Mbagathi Gate, also known as the KWS Workshop Gate, on Magadi Road. Google maps will get you there easily.

According to SWT, arriving early for your booked visit is very important as this will allow enough time for any delays you might encounter at the KWS Mbagathi Gate following the newly mandated requirement for visitors to pay the KWS Park Entry Fee.

What time does the Sheldrick Trust open?

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is open to the public for one hour from 11 am to 12 pm every day.

With that being said, here is how much international visitors and local Kenyans of all ages are required to pay to visit the elephant orphanage SWT.

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Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Elephant Orphanage Entrance Fees:

The minimum donations for entry to the Nursery are:

  • Adult, aged 12 years and above: US$20 per person, or the equivalent in Kenya Shillings (based on the day’s rate).
  • Adult, Kenya resident: Ksh 2,000, with proof of residency.
  • Child: aged under 12 years, US$5 per person, or the equivalent in Kenya Shillings (based on the day’s rate).
  • Child: Kenya resident, Ksh 500, with proof of residency.

Please note that your entry donation is not pre-paid, but payable in cash upon entry to the SWT Nursery on the day of your booked visit.

Please also note that the SWT Nursery entry donation is separate to the newly imposed KWS National Park fee, which is now required to pass through the KWS Mbagathi Gate.

Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Contact Information:

P.O. Box 15555 Mbagathi, 00503, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone Number;

+254 (0) 202 301 396

+254 (0) 111 044 200

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