Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Courses Offered (full list) and Contact

List of Courses Offered

JKUAT courses.

Looking for all the courses offered at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology?

Accredited courses offered at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology are listed below.

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology offers all these courses for both new students who want to join the institution and the existing students currently enrolled in the institution.

You can find the list of courses that are currently available in Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, for all the students or candidates who would like to join the institution and pursue their career course.

Here are, Masters courses, Degree courses, Diploma courses, Certificate courses, Postgraduate courses, Undergraduate courses, Craft, Artisan courses among others that are currently offered at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology this academic year.

Below is the list of courses offered at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)

Courses Offered At Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology:

  • Masters Courses:

Master of Science in Procurement and Logistics(Procurement and Logistics)

Master of Science in Research Methodology(Research Methodology)

Master of Urban Design(Urban Design)

Master of Science in Biosystems Structural Engineering(Biosystems Structural Engineering)

Master of Science in Human Resource Management(Human Resource Management)

Master of Business Administration(MBA)

Master of Science in Public Health(Public Health)

Master of Science in Physics(Physics)

Master of Medical Laboratory Science(Medical Laboratory Science)

Master of Science in Statistics(Statistics)

Master of Environmental Management(Environmental Management)

Master of Science in Medical Microbiology(Medical Microbiology)

Master of Science in Biochemistry(Biochemistry)

Master of Science in Plant Breeding(Plant Breeding)

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering(Mechanical Engineering)

Master of Science in Biotechnology(Biotechnology)

Master of Food Science and Nutrition(Food Science and Nutrition)

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Master of Science Applied Mathematics(Applied Mathematics)

Master of Software Engineering(Software Engineering)

Master of Science in Horticulture(Horticulture)

Master of Construction Engineering(Construction Engineering)

Master of Environmental Engineering Management(Environmental Engineering Management)

Master of Soil and Water Engineering(Soil and Water Engineering)

Master of Science in Entrepreneurship(Entrepreneurship)

Master of Science in Renewable Energy Technology(Renewable Energy Technology)

Master of Science in Occupational Health and Safety(Occupational Health and Safety)

Master of Science in Mycology(Mycology)

Master of Science in Agricultural Processing Engineering(Agricultural Processing Engineering)

Master of Science in Applied Epidemiology(Applied Epidemiology)

Master of Science in Biomechanical Engineering(Biomechanical Engineering)

Master of Science in Clinical Tropical Medicine(Clinical Tropical Medicine)

Master of Science in Epidemiology(Epidemiology)

Master of Science in Food Science and Postharvest Technology(Food Science and Postharvest Technology)

Master of Science in ICT Policy and Regulation(ICT Policy and Regulation)

Master of Science in International Health (International Health )

Master of Science in Laboratory Management and Epidemiology (Laboratory Management and Epidemiology )

Master of Science in Landscape Planning and Conservation

Master of Science in Medical Mycobacteriology(Medical Mycobacteriology)

Master of Science in Medical Virology (Medical Virology )

Master of Science in Medicinal Chemistry(Medicinal Chemistry)

Master of Science in Medicinal Phytochemistry(Medicinal Phytochemistry)

Master of Science in Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics(Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics)

Master of Science in Molecular Medicine (Molecular Medicine )

Master of Science in Parasitology and Entomology(Parasitology and Entomology)

Master of Science in Plant Health Science and Management

  • Bridging Courses:

Bridging Course in Mathematics

  • Certificate Courses

Certificate in Information Technology(Information Technology)

Certificate in HIV/AIDS Management(HIV/AIDS Management)

  • Degree Courses:

Bachelor of Commerce(Commerce)

Bachelor of Business Information Technology(BBIT)

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Information Technology)

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science(Computer Science)

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering(Civil Engineering)

Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering(Mechanical Engineering)

Bachelor of Science in Horticulture(Horticulture)

Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science(Actuarial Science)

Bachelor of Architecture(Architecture)

Bachelor of Science in Construction Management(Construction Management)

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry(Industrial Chemistry)

Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology(Biotechnology)

Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science(Medical Laboratory Science)

Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry(Biochemistry)

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry(Chemistry)

Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics Engineering(Mechatronics Engineering)

Bachelor of Science in Physics(Physics)

Bachelor of Financial Engineering(Financial Engineering)

Bachelor of Human Nutrition and Dietetics(Human Nutrition and Dietetics)

Bachelor of Animal Health and Production(Animal Health and Production)

Bachelor of Science in Botany(Botany)

Bachelor of Crop Protection(Crop Protection)

Bachelor of Medical Microbiology(Medical Microbiology)

Bachelor of Science Computer Technology(Computer Technology)

Bachelor of Radiography and Radiation Science(Radiography and Radiation Science)

Bachelor of Purchasing Supply Management(Purchasing Supply Management)

Bachelor of Science in Geomatics Engineering(Geomatics Engineering)

Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition( Food Science and Nutrition)

Bachelor of Science in Analytical Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry )

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture(Landscape Architecture)

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Biotechnology(Industrial Biotechnology)

Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Economics and Food Industry Management

Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management and Enterprise Development

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics and Rural Development

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology )

Bachelor of Science in Biomechanical and Process Engineering(Biomechanical and Process Engineering)

Bachelor of Science in Control and Instrumentation(Control and Instrumentation)

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Horticulture And Landscaping Technology

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Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Postharvest Technology(Food Science and Postharvest Technology)

Bachelor of Science in Land Resource Planning and Management(Land Resource Planning and Management)

Bachelor of Science in Soil, Water and Environmental Engineering(Soil, Water and Environmental Engineering)

Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication and Information Engineering(Telecommunication and Information Engineering)

  • Diploma Courses:

Diploma in Business Administration(Business Administration)

Diploma in HIV/Aids Education and Management(HIV/Aids Education and Management)

Diploma in Architecture(Architecture)

Diploma in Business Information Technology(Business Information Technology)

Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Management(Purchasing and Supplies Management)

Diploma in Clinical Medicine(Clinical Medicine)

  • Doctorate Courses:

Ph.D in Remote Sensing(Remote Sensing)

Ph.D in Soil, Water and Environmental Engineering(Soil, Water and Environmental Engineering)

Ph.D in Entrepreneurship(Entrepreneurship)

Ph.D in Human Resource Management(Human Resource Management)

Ph.D in Landscape, Planning and Conservation(Landscape, Planning and Conservation)

Ph.D in Telecommunication Engineering(Telecommunication Engineering)

Ph.D in GeoInformatics(Geo Informatics)

Ph.D in Organic Chemistry(Organic Chemistry)

Ph.D in Biochemistry(Biochemistry)

PhD in Physics(Physics)

Ph.D in Botany(Botany)

Ph.D in Applied Mathematics(Applied Mathematics)

PhD in Biotechnology(Biotechnology)

Ph.D in Food Science(Food Science)

Ph.D in Architecture(Architecture)

Ph.D in Horticulture(Horticulture)

Ph.D in Pure Mathematics(Pure Mathematics)

Ph.D in Biomechanical Engineering(Biomechanical Engineering)

Ph.D in Geodesy and Photogrammetry(Geodesy and Photogrammetry)

Ph.D in Geographic Information Systems(Geographic Information Systems)

Ph.D in Inorganic Chemistry(Inorganic Chemistry)

Ph.D in Physical Chemistry(Physical Chemistry)

Ph.D in Processing and Structures Engineering(Processing and Structures Engineering)

  • Post Graduate Diploma Courses:

Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Sciences (Medical Laboratory Sciences )

Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Statistics(Applied Statistics)

Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health(Occupational Safety and Health)

  • Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Contacts:

Address: P.O. Box 62 000 – 00200 Nairobi

Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Telephone Number: 0675870001

Telephone Number 2: 0675870002

Email Address:


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