How To Become A Jumia Agent (JForce) In Kenya

Jumia Kenya JForce

Want to make money by becoming a registered Jumia Kenya Agent?.

Here is everything you need to know about becoming a Jumia Kenya agent and earn commissions on sold products or renting out a space in your shop.

To become a Jumia Kenya agent, you will need to have a shop with enough space to store Jumia products.

You will also be ordering products from Jumia on behalf of Jumia clients and earn even more commission.

Jumia Kenya agents are known as the JForce, the JForce make money by delivering ordered products from Jumia to customers and by ordering products online for Jumia clients behalf.

Who Exactly Is a JForce Agent?.

In a simple explanation, a Jumia JForce Agents is a person who uses their shop to deliver products ordered from Jumia, they act as a Jumia pick up station where the client who has ordered a product from Jumia, will come and pick the product from their store/shop.

Aside from that, they can also order products from Jumia on behalf of a customer.

Is it worth it to join the Jumia Kenya JForce Agents Community?

Benefits of Jumia Kenya JForce Agents:

Free training on everything you need to know

You stand a chance of getting free shopping vouchers on Jumia almost every week

Earn money by placing orders on behalf of Jumia clients

You make money by just using your shop or store as Jumia Kenya pick up station

With that said, here is exactly how to become a Jumia Kenya Agent and become one of the JForce Team.

How To Become A JForce Agent in Kenya:

To join the Jumia JForce team and start earning commissions, follow the easy steps below to register as a JForce Agent in Kenya today.

  • Log in to the Jumia JForce Website or create an account if you don’t have one already.
  • Go ahead and register as a Jumia Agent by filling out all the required details on the website such as;

Your Full names

Email address

Mobile money number (for making payments)

Phone number (for communications purposes)




Passport photo

National ID copy

National ID number

Next of kin name and phone number

Jumia Kenya will get back to you once your application is approved.

You can also use this number to contact the JForce management directly: 0740023671

Once you are accepted in the program, you will start receiving emails that will teach you everything you need to know and you can ask questions where you need clarification.

After learning everything, you will start making money every time Jumia uses your shop as a pick up station for ordered products.

You are also eligible to earn commissions when you order product on Jumia using your JForce Account on behalf of a client.

The more orders you can make the more commission you will be making in the process.

Everytime you make an order for a customer, always make sure you use your JForce account to make the orders.

All the money you have earned will also be visible in your JForce account, and you can track all your earnings through your JFORCE Account.

We highly recommend you use the Jumia App to make orders for customers because it is more easy to use and full of discounts.

Depending on the products you have earned commissions through, note that the amount of money you earn as a Jumia Agent varies depending on the product value, category and general price of the product itself among other factors.

But on average, a Jumia Agent earns around 6% commission to any product that is successful sold.

The commission can go up to around 12% per sale, depending on the category of the product.

You will also be provided with a copy (Through your email address) of all the products on Jumia and the commission you will earn on each, after a successful sale.

If you sold a product but you can’t see the commissions reflecting in your Jforce Account, it is probably because the sell was not successful.

Jumia Kenya pays you your commission ONLY after a product is successfully sold and paid for by the customer.

There you have it, that’s how to become an Agent for Jumia and make money.

You can always contact Jumia or the JForce Team for any assistance, they will be glad to help you out with any questions you may have.

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